Monday, May 2, 2016

Impact Assessment of the Community Extension Programs of AB Mass Communication and Paralegal Studies towards Community Development


Tokyo 1st International Conference on “ Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities- BESSH-2016” February 27-28, 2016 , Tokyo Japan

Abstract proceeding book
BESSH-February 27-28, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
ISBN: 978-969-670-186-6

Impact Assessment of the Community Extension Programs of
AB Mass Communication and Paralegal Studies towards Community Development

Emma E. Montalbo

College of Education,Arts and Sciences
Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas
Capitop Site, Batangas City

This paper assessed the impact of community extension program of AB Mass Communication and Paralegal Studies (ABMC/PL) on community development. The study was both quantitative and qualitative in nature since the research used questionnaire to know the impact of the program and objective assessment of Food Production, Leadership seminar and Child Development Integration Program. Interviews were conducted and data based on observations were collected. The participants chosen from this study were nineteen (19) respondent-participants from a total population of twenty families.

            Result showed that food production program implementation certainly contributed to environmental transformation, food and nutrition security and additional income in the family; leadership seminars strengthen the potential, knowledge and self-confidence of the beneficiaries; and child development intervention program enhanced the children’s social, emotional, physical, cognitive growth, resulting a timelier enrollment; and for mothers. As a whole, the program, definitely contributed to the national progress of the country.

            It is probable that cooperation for the betterment of the economically challenged communities may be achieved. Results might be used in continuing the programs since they strengthen the development of the beneficiaries using needs assessment as basis for program implementation.

Keywords: food production, child development integration program, leadership, community development 

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