Wednesday, October 29, 2008



Dear Emma,

Re: Global Filipino Youth Awards- “Celebrating Youth , Recognition In Motion”

Congratulations and Greetings from Global Filipinos Australia!

Global Filipinos Australia (GFA) is pleased to inform you that you are an Awardee in the inaugural GLOBAL FILIPINO YOUTH AWARDS – CELEBRATING YOUTH –“RECOGNITION IN MOTION”,which will be held on Monday, 14 July 2008, at the NSW Parliament Theatre, Macquarie Street, Sydney from 1-4pm.

Please be at NSW Parliament Theatre at least 30 minutes before the start of the ceremony.A 30 seconds video acceptance speech on your Academic /Community Service Award to be sent should you not attend the award ceremony.

GFA has reserved a seat foryou for the Awards function. Kindly reply.



Lolita Farmer OAM

P.O.Box 463 Blacktown NSW Australia 2148
T;(612) 9630 4448 F: (612) 9614 0763


Module Three (Illustrative, non-preemptive draft for discussion1) 3.25.08
Module Three: Political Module
Rallying the Global Filipino Nation into a political force for 2010 and beyond
Performance Targets
Monitoring Mechanisms
Risks and Assumptions
Goal: long-term objective, i.e., the vision: effective governance in the Motherland, anchored on grassroots economic empowerment and resolution of issues facing migrant workers and their families, and with raised consciousness of a nation ready to march as one
Purpose: [the immediate reason for the initiative]
Mobilize the Global Filipino Nation as a political force for introducing effective governance
♦ Appropriate Philippine constitutional changes, esp. allowing proportional representation for all Filipinos, runoff elections
♦ Political vehicle (party, coalition or movement)
♦ Multi-sectoral/group formal alliances
♦ Integration of stakeholders of Modules 1, 2 and 3 and Filipinos, who share the vision, into the Global Filipino Nation (GFN)
♦ Card-bearing members, ‘09: 1 M, 1Q; 2M, 2Q; 3M, 3Q; 5M, 4Q
♦ Internet voter registration and related initiatives, under Oversea Absentee Voting Law (OAVL), in place

♦ GFN documents and reports
♦ Extensive media coverage
♦ Public surveys

♦ Political stability
♦ Charter change effected
♦ Sustained need for migrant labor by developed economies
♦ Mobilization of financial and volunteer resources
♦ Cohesive GFN leadership, devoid of disruptive politics
♦ Absence of scandals and gravely adverse publicity
♦ Constructive collaboration with Comelec on OAVL
♦ Adequate electoral reforms implemented
Outputs or Outcomes: [results that can be produced / delivered during implementation]
♦ Election of national and local leaders committed to GFN Governance Principles, Program of Government and Performance Standards
♦ Adherence of elected officials to GFN Program of Government and Performance Standards

♦ President’s SOMA in ’10 and ’16, NEDA plans and public policies incorporate GFN Government Principles, Program of Government and Performance Standards, and reinforced by Congressional and LGUs’ support
♦ Regular GFN leaders-policy makers dialogue
♦ Regular reports of public officials relating to GFN Program of Government and Performance Standards

♦ Results of 2010, 2013 and 2016 elections
♦ Performance rating by Global Filipino Nation, public surveys and Commission on Audit

♦ Implementation plans are effectively carried out
♦ Adequate resources
♦ Electorate support
♦ Media support
♦ Obstacles posed by special interests are neutralized
Activities: [key tasks, steps, or stages to be undertaken by the initiative]
♦ Political vehicle for GFN defined
♦ GFN scope of operations agreed
♦ Voter education/registration program formulated
By 3Q, ’08:
♦ Political vehicle organized with Terms of Reference (TOR)
♦ GFN-specific activities:
Governance and related issues (TOR)
1. Advocacy strategy/policy defined re: suffrage rights/charter change, strategic alliances and OAVL initiatives
2. Agreed GFN Governance Principles, Program of Government and Performance Standards
3. Organizational strategy agreed/implemented
Organization (TOR)
4. GFN charter/by-laws, officers, secretariats, volunteer network in place
5. Training of core cadres
6. Financial plans/budgets and sourcing agreed
7. Website and database mgt. operational (separate TOR)
8. Membership dev. program & unit launched
Communications (TOR)
9. Communications program managed professionally
10. Collaborative agreements with media
♦ Voter education/registration NGO established (TOR)

♦ GFN Governance Manual
♦ Reports by GFN secretariats
♦ Reports by:
1. Website and database administrator
2. Communications Consultant
3. Membership Dev. Committee

♦ Sustained interest and support of stakeholders
♦ Commitment of core and network of GFN leaders and volunteers
Resources Needed [Inputs]
♦ Executive & advisory resources
♦ Volunteer resources
♦ Consultants
♦ Physical resources: facilities, equipment, supplies
♦ Financial resources
[To be quantified]

♦ By mid-’08: Finance/Fundraising Committee formed
♦ By 3Q, ’08, funding identified/initiated from:
1. Donor community (voter education)
2. Business community (voter education)
3. High net worth individuals
4. GFN members’ voluntary donations
5. GFN fund raising activities

♦ Reports by Finance/
♦ Funding eligibility of voter education /registration program
♦ Willingness of donors to fund the GFN initiatives
♦ Feasibility of mobilizing small donations from large number of supportive Filipinos
Implementation Plans [Summary of Operational Plan]:
♦ Roadmaps for implementation
♦ Terms of Reference for key activities

♦ Detailed time-bound Implementation Plan, covering ’08-‘10 activities and resources needed, initiated
♦ Detailed roadmaps for key activities launched

♦ GFN documents
♦ Reports by GFN secretariats and various committees

♦ Effective and upright GFN governance leadership structures
♦ Efficient use of resources

1 This draft logframe builds on the insights and suggestions of various July 28, 2007 Planning Conference participants. The draft serves as a starting point for discussion on July 28th and may be revised or substituted by the participants, as appropriate.



JUNE 27, 2008
8:00 – 5:00

Republic Act 9187
An Act Declaring June 30 of the Year as Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for other Purposes
Authored by Sen. Edgardo Angara

The focus of the conference was the Spanish Legacies in Cavite.
The discussions put emphasis on the cultural and economic relations between the Philippines and Spain in the 19th century.
Theme “Local Heritage Preservation”

The discussion is very timely owing to the massive transformation of CALABARZON from a merely rural and agricultural area into a highly industrialized and urbanize zone. With this development in the region, tangible heritage such as the ANCESTRAL HOUSES, CASA HACIENDAS, CHURCHES, and other colonial structures which form part of the legacies of Spain in the Philippines have already been put in the sidelight because the regional priorities are directed towards economic development.


3mSEMINAR 2008

The Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administrationand the Asia-Europe Foundation
invite you to participate in
Hosted by
The Philippine Civil Service CommissionRepublic of the Philippines
in cooperation with
The Career Executive Service Boardand theNational College of Public Administration and Governance,University of the Philippines
IntroductionThe Main ThemesRegistration and Travel LogisticsGuidelines for Paper Presentors Contact Information Download Memorandum on Hotel Reservation Procedures

Many governments from the different parts of the globe have embraced governance as a mechanism to achieve development. However, despite the adoption of governance as a development framework, which has been argued as an effective tool towards development, massive poverty and underdevelopment have remained a prevalent challenge to many countries. This could be due to problems in terms of financial resources, gaps in terms of capacity of human resources, problems involving rampant corruption, or lack of transparency and accountability, among others. Or it could also be that the strategies or approaches adopted to achieve effective governance were not the most appropriate given the prevailing socio-economic or political situation in the country. Given these circumstances, it is imperative to review how our governments do “governance” and understand what and why problems exist in order to take necessary and appropriate measures to address them.
As a response to this challenge, this year’s EROPA Seminar has been conceptualized to dissect governance issues and problems, recommend solutions to address such issues, and discuss various ways to implement the governance framework effectively. Furthermore, this is a means for EROPA to continue what it started during the World Conference on Governance (World COG) in 1999 which adopted the theme “From Government to Governance.”
In order to provide the seminar participants with meaningful learning experiences which they can perhaps make use of and apply to their back-home situations, this seminar shall specifically look into three important governance concerns that currently appear to be the major concerns of EROPA member countries, namely: 1) environment; 2) migration; and 3) peace and order.
Contemporary issues on environmental protection originate from the concept of sustainable development which means “meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs.” Environmental Governance is mainstreamed as it is seen as a critical factor in the attainment of sustainable development.
Discussions in this subject shall include: the role of the various stakeholders in environmental protection (the government, private sector, civil society, and academe); the governance of the commons (air, water, land, etc.); and multilevel environmental governance (local, national, global levels), among others.
The Role of Various Stakeholders in Environmental Governance
Various sectors like the academe, government, business, and civil society organizations, among others, are stakeholders in the governance of the environment. Given their different nature and orientation, each has a respective role to play in protecting the environment and in mainstreaming Environmental Governance. This sub theme shall discuss these respective stakeholders’ roles and check on what aspects can these stakeholders cooperate.
The Governance of the Commons: Earth, Water and Air
There are different approaches to the management and protection of specific environmental thematic areas. For example, the management of the marine environment is different from the management of the forest lands; likewise, there are differences in the approaches to preventing air pollution and solid waste disposal. The different best practices, experiences and approaches to the governance of specific environmental thematic areas shall be the focus of this sub theme.
Environmental Governance: Local, National and Global Levels
Environmental Governance is practiced in global, national and domestic settings. Global environmental governance can be observed through the presence of environmental governance systems, and various multilateral environmental agreements. On the other hand, national and domestic environmental governance is carried out through respective national, provincial, and city laws, policies and strategies. This sub theme shall focus on issues including: the implementation of global, national and local laws at their respective settings; and the implementation strategies that have so far been recorded to be effective and successful.
Curriculum Development on Environmental Governance
This shall be a discussion focused on the development of a higher education curriculum on Environmental Governance. Practitioners, academicians and other stakeholders are encouraged to join the discussion to solicit diverse views which may be integrated in the curriculum.
Migration, particularly labor migration, poses major impacts on the economic and social development of both the country of origin (sending country) and the country of destination (host country). While migrants benefit economically, the host country also benefits in terms of the migrants’ contributions to the host country’s labor force. How these benefits are maximized by both the sending and host countries will depend to a large extent on the governance strategies that are put in place.
The attainment of development in this case is primarily dependent on the migrants, particularly migrant workers. As catalysts of development, it is just and proper that migrants are empowered and their rights are protected and respected toward making development more attainable.
Attaining development through labor migration and protecting migrant workers require the understanding of the migration process, and its social and political impacts. Therefore, two major topics on migration (discussed below) are being prepared for this year’s seminar. These topics capture both sending and host country experiences in dealing with the migration process and its impacts.
Managing the Migration Process: Host and Sending Country Experiences The experience of many Asia-Pacific countries shows that annually, hundreds of thousands of their workers leave in search of overseas jobs. Thus, the problem of properly monitoring the movements of these workers, their proper documentation, their protection from exploitation by recruitment agencies, and worse, the possibility of their being victimized by illegal recruiters and, therefore, their illegal departures and entry to receiving countries, are concerns that require national attention by sending countries. On the other hand, ensuring that these workers, once overseas, are properly employed, their employment benefits are duly delivered to them by their employers, that they are not exploited, as well as ensuring that they behave in accordance with the customs, practices, and rules and regulations of host countries are concerns that should be properly attended to not just by the sending countries but by the receiving countries as well.
All these governance issues shall be the subject of this sub theme. For the purpose of the seminar, eight country presentations can be made on this topic: four papers by labor sending countries and four papers by labor receiving countries.
Managing the Socio-Economic and Political Impact of Migration: Host and Sending Country Experiences
Labor migration has both costs and benefits to the sending and receiving countries. The costs to the sending countries can be in the form of brain drain and family disorientation or break-up, among others; while the benefits include improved standard of living for the families owing to the dollar remittances that come in regularly. To the host country, the cost can be, among others, the intrusion of cultural practices inimical to society even as the country’s economic and industrial development is hastened by the entry of most needed manpower. How these concerns and issues are managed shall be the focus of paper presentations for this topic. For the purpose of the seminar, eight country presentations will be made: four on the experiences of labor sending countries and four from the labor receiving countries.
Peace and Order
Peace and order issues have long been considered as immediate concerns common to many countries of the globe. Insurgency and crimes have remained as major problems, caused much trouble both to the government and the people, and hindered the attainment of development.
As public administration is encompassing in nature, it involves every aspect where public service delivery is concerned. Providing a safe environment and a feeling of security to the people is one of the services that the government has to give to the public. This would mean eliminating, or at least minimizing the effects of, insurgency, crimes and other forms and sources of violence and insecurity.
This part of the seminar is aimed at providing an opportunity to discuss the different activities in eliminating security and order problems. After the sharing of ideas, practices and strategies, it is hoped that participants find the topics helpful in the peace and order management efforts in their respective countries.
Drug Abuse Prevention and Management
Drug abuse leads to various societal costs apart from the physical harm it poses to a person who is under the influence of prohibited drugs. Abuse of drugs often results in involvement in crimes which in turn cause insecurity to the public. Drug abuse prevention and management is just one of the measures to address crimes. Thus, the seminar has set a sub theme that will discuss the efforts and experiences of various countries in this respect.
From Rebellion to Compliance: Managing the Insurgency Problem
Insurgencies have been a threat to peace and order and a hindrance to the attainment of development. Investors fear to put up their businesses in places occupied by long-standing insurgency and rebel groups. Tourism is under threat and tourists refuse to visit places which are notoriously known for kidnapping incidents, bombings, etc. Civilians suffer from and are displaced due to the struggles between the military and the rebel groups. These are among the ill effects of insurgency.This sub theme provides a venue for the discussion of neutralizing insurgency through sharing of country strategies and preventive measures that are found effective, so that they may be replicated in other countries where applicable.
Achieving Effective Crime Prevention
A criminal act is irreversible; once the damage has been done, there is no way to bring a situation back to its normal and safe state. Given this premise, it is more important to prevent the occurrence of a crime than to solve it or seize the perpetrator when the crime has been committed.
Managing Political Destabilzation
Destabilizing government is common to many countries. Often driven by political motivations, government destabilization may cause interference in delivering public services. Thus, it is important to address this in order not to make the public suffer because of the political and often personal interests of the few. This sub theme is therefore considered under “Peace and Order” because it concerns security of the government, as well as security of the people.
The registration fees will be as follows:EROPA Member ----------------------------- US$200Non-EROPA Member ---------------------- US$250For each Accompanying Person ------- US$100
Registration fees should be paid in cash during the registration proper at the Traders Hotel Manila on the following dates:22 October 2008, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm23 October 2008, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
The 54th Executive Council Meeting (for Council members only) is scheduled at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, 22 October 2008, and the seminar on 23-25 October 2008. Both activities will be held at the Traders Hotel Manila.
Visa Requirements
Participants may check at any Philippine Embassy/Consulate in their respective countries about visa requirements.
Hotel Accommodation and Reservations
The EROPA Secretariat recommends the Traders Hotel Manila (four-star hotel). The hotel is a 20-minute ride from the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Participants are requested to book directly at the hotel.TRADERS HOTEL MANILA 3001 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City 1305, Metro Manila, Philippines Contact Person: Michelle Z. Castro, Sales Manager Tel. No.: (632) 527-9163; Fax No.: (632) 527-9188 E-mail: Website:
Rates: Deluxe Cityview Room (Single/Double) ------------------ 4,914.00 PhP net Deluxe Seaview Room (Single/Double) ----------------- 5,528.25 PhP net Traders Club Room (Single/Double) --------------------- 6,756.75 PhP net Extra Person (Deluxe Room) ------------------------------- 1,842.75 PhP net Extra Person (Traders Club Room) ----------------------- 2,457.00 PhP net
*Rates are inclusive of buffet breakfast, 10% service charge, 12% VAT, and 0.85% local tax.
Business HoursGovernment offices – 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; private offices – 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; shopping malls – 10:00 am to 7:00 pm; banks – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Offices are closed on Saturdays and Sundays and Special holidays.
Modes of transportation include buses, jeepneys, the Light Rail Transit (LRT), the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) and taxis.
US$1 is equivalent to 42 Philippine pesos as of May 2008.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fallacies and Controversies in Philippine History GSIS Museum, Pasay City

Lecture Proper

The first lecture entitled “Controversies and Fallacies in Philippine History”
was presented by Dr. Estrellita T. Muhi, the Treasurer PHA. These were the highlights of her lecture:

1. Origins of the Filipinos
Assumptions about ancient Filipino population
1.1 The negritos were the aboriginal group in the Philippines.
1.2 Filipinos are Malays racially and ethnically.
1.3 The Philippines was peopled by waves of migrants coming from Asia mainland and the culture of the Filipinos today is largely a result of this immigration.

2. Disagreement on the number of islands in the Philippines.
· Molina says, there are 7 083 islands while Alip counts 7 100 islands and islets. Agoncillio and Alfonso do not cite a definitive number merely saying that there are “more than 7, 100 island and islets. Zaide maintains that there are 7 100 islands but says differently in another book . . . a broken archipelago of 7 083 islands.

3. According to Gagelonia, controversies over historical facts arose simply because textbook writers differed from one another as to dates, figures, names, and even interpretation of historical events.

4. Resolution no. 12 declaring that the Code of Kalantiao has no valid historical basis.

5. Princess Urduja can not be taken as a genuine and authentic character in
Philippine History.

6. Discovery or Rediscovery of the Philippines; it is more correct to say simply that Magellan or the Spanish came to the Philippines in 1521.

7. Aims of Spanish Colonization; that the motive was purely commercial and that the religious aim were secondary.

Due to time constrain other issues assigned to Dr. Muhi were not discussed but a copy of the lectures was provided. (Copies were submitted at the Social Science Office)

The second lecture entitled “Content in Philippine History “was presented by Dr. Gloria M. Santos, Executive Director, PHA. These were the highlights of her lecture:

1. Filipino characteristics such as shyness, amor propio, “matiisin”etc.;
· Marcelo H. Del Pilar’s back fighting strategy (giving pamphlets that were presumed to be religious in content but the truth for the matter was it contained the abuses of the friars).

2. The climate (humid) in the Philippines was not favorable for the preservation of historical documents;

3. The cry of “Pugad lawin”;
· Controversy on the date (August 23, 27 or 26) when Andress Bonifacio tore their cedulas into pieces.

4. Controversy on the arrival of Magellan was not yet settle;

5. Appreciative Inquiry Method being the latest strategy in teaching history;
· It is the evolutionary study from the past to the present of what events contributed to the contemporary success of human society.
· The strategy recommends that in the learning process, the teacher must emphasize the positive rather than the negative for to dwell in the negative would be an exercise of futility.

The third lecture entitled “Strategies in Teaching History”
was presented by Dr. Teofista L. Vivar, Auditor, PHA. These were the highlights of her lecture:

Important factors, strategies and models related to teaching “History”

· Quality (performance) and quality (time of instruction) “how”;
· Emphasis on the students “who”;
· The use of nemonic devices such as the 3c’s (care, commitment, creativity)

· Psychological methods such as exercises, readiness, and repetition;
· Combining history with arts, literature and music;
- To instill nationalism, let the students sing “Ang Bayan K o”;
- Tell stories that are etched in the minds of students like the story of Erlinda which electrically changed the Filipino soldiers and inspired the epic of Bataan;
- Making collage with one central idea;
- Drawing sketches on the student’s concept of nationalism;
- Dramatic monologue about benevolent assimilation;
- Values clarification through CPA (choosing, prizing, and acting)
Example: Auction Sale of what are important in life such as house and lot, money, four-year college education, money etc. Through this activity we can evaluate and develop values based on what they buy.

· Lecture
· Cognitive/semantic/concept mapping
· Jigsaw
· Documentary analysis
· Biographical sketches
· Simulation
· Resource speakers
· Bulletin boards
· Role playing
· Interview with senior citizens
· Role playing
· Artifacts
· Relics
· Memorabilia
· Modeling.

The fourth lecture entitled “Role of the Textbook in Teaching History”
was presented by Dr. Celestina P. Boncan, Treasurer PHA. These were the highlights of her lecture:

1. Huge market for Philippine History Textbooks
· Philippine History as the subject matter of Heographiya, Kasaysayan, and Sibika (HKS);
· Philippine History as covered in grades 1-3 of Sibika at Kultura (SK) and second year Araling Panlipunan which is on Asean Studies

2.Importance of Textbooks
· Primary source of knowledge of the students in the classroom;
· Seventy to ninety percent of classroom learning in history and civic classes is text-book driven and derived

3.Learning Competencies of Textbooks
· Textbooks are structured based on the Dep-Ed prescribed Learning competencies(LCs);
- LCs was conceived and conceptualize to ensure quality education that is accessible to all;
- LCs determined the knowledge and skills that must be acquired by students and the scope and sequence of the topics or lessons;
- standardize learning i.e… they ensure that the students are provided the opportunity to acquire the same competencies whether they are studying in Manila or in a remote area

· Textbooks must then be consistent with these learning competencies;
- 90% must be develop by the textbook;
- 10% must not include a major concept or skill;
- discussion must be consistent with the sequencing of the LCs

2. Social content Guideline of Textbooks
· Sensitivity or political correctness;
· Respect racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity and promote appreciation of differences;
· Free of biases and stereotyping of individuals or groups;
· Insensitive or inappropriate descriptions or portrayals of religious practices and cultural customs, symbols, festivals, or language must be avoided;
· Gender sensitive;
· No sexist language or stereotyping of male or females by occupation

3. Historical Content of Textbooks
· Must be accurate and up to date;
· Must not have outdated statistics (statistics that are more than five years old is considered dated);
· Must rely on primary sources as much as possible;
· Must reflect recent theories or explanation in its discussions
4. Textbook errors
There is no such thing as an error free textbook but it should not be an excuse for errors in textbooks;
· Different shades of errors:
- Typographical errors;
- Factual, theoretical and conceptual errors;
- Grammatical lapses;
- Phrases or sentences that are taken out of context

Focal Points

· Textbook must educate the student
· Textbook must motivate the student
· Textbook must ignite the enthusiasm
· Textbook must augurs quality education

The fifth lecture entitled “The Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines”
was presented by Mr. Teodoro S. Atienza,head, Heraldy and Display Section, NHI These were the highlights of his lecture:

He focused on selected sections of Republic Act no. 8491 entitled an an act prescribing the code of the national flag, anthem, motto, coat –of-arms and other heraldic items and devices of the Philippines such as:

· SECTION 11. If planted on the ground, the flagpole shall be at a prominent place and shall be of such height as would give the flag commanding position in relation to the buildings in the vicinity. If attached to a building, the flagpole shall be on top of its roof or anchored on a sill projecting at an angle upward. If on a stage or platform or government office, the flag shall be at the left (facing the stage) or the left of the office upon entering.
· SECTION 13. When displayed with another flag, the Philippine flag shall be on the right of the other flag. If there is a line of other flags, the Philippine flag shall be in the middle of the line. When carried in a parade with flags which are not national flags, the Philippine flag shall be in front of the center of the line.

· SECTION 14. A flag worn out through wear and tear, shall not be thrown away. It shall be solemnly burned to avoid misuse or desecration. The flag shall be replaced immediately when it begins to show signs of wear and tear.

· SECTION 16. The flag may be displayed: a) Inside or outside a building or on stationary flagpoles. If the flag is displayed indoors on a flagpole, it shall be placed at the left of the observer as one enters the room; b) From the top of a flagpole, which shall be at a prominent place or a commanding position in relation to the surrounding buildings; c) From a staff projecting upward from the window sill, canopy, balcony or facade of a building; d) In a suspended position from a rope extending from a building to pole erected away from the building; e) Flat against the wall vertically with the sun and stars on top; and f) Hanging in a vertical position across a street, with the blue field pointing east, if the road is heading south or north, or pointing north if the road is heading east or west. The flag shall not be raised when the weather is inclement. If already raised, the flag shall not be lowered.

· SECTION 17. The flag shall be hoisted to the top briskly and lowered ceremoniously. The flag shall never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, flood, water or other objects. After being lowered, the flag shall be handled and folded solemnly as part of the ceremony. C. Conduct of Flag Raising Ceremony

· SECTION 18. All government offices and educational institutions shall henceforth observe the flag-raising ceremony every Monday morning and the flag lowering ceremony every Friday afternoon. The ceremony shall be simple and dignified and shall include the playing or singing of the Philippine National Anthem.

· SECTION 19. The Office of the President upon the recommendation of the Institute shall issue rules and regulations for the proper conduct of the flag ceremony.

· SECTION 20. The observance of the flag ceremony in official or civic gatherings shall be simple and dignified and shall include the playing or singing of the anthem in its original Filipino lyrics and march tempo. D. Half-Mast

· SECTION 23. The flag shall be flown at half-mast as a sign of mourning on all the buildings and places where it is displayed, as provided for in this Act, on the day of official announcement of the death of any of the following officials: a) The President or a former President, for ten (10) days;b) The Vice-President, the Chief Justice, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, for seven (7) days; and c) Other persons to be determined by the Institute, for any period less than seven (7) days. The flag shall be flown at half-mast on all the buildings and places where the decedent was holding office, on the day of death until the day of interment of an incumbent member of the Supreme Court, the Cabinet, the Senate or the House of Representatives, and such other persons as may be determined by the Institute. The flag when flown at half-mast shall be first hoisted to the peak for a moment then lowered to the half-mast position. The flag shall again be raised to the peak before it is lowered for the day. E. Casket

· SECTION 24. The flag may be used to cover the caskets of the honored dead of the military, veterans of previous wars, national artists, and of civilians who have rendered distinguished service to the nation, as may be determined by the local government unit concerned. In such cases, the flag shall be placed such that the white triangle shall be at the head and the blue portion shall cover the right side of the caskets. The flag shall not be lowered to the grave or allowed to touch the ground, but shall be folded solemnly and handed over to the heirs of the deceased. H. Specifications of the National Flag

· SECTION 27. The flag shall have the following proportions. The width of the flag, 1; the length of the flag, 2; and the sides of the white triangle, 1.

· SECTION 28. The technical specifications shall be as follows: The blue color shall bear Cable No. 80173; the white color, Cable No. 80001; the red color, Cable No. 80108; and the golden yellow, Cable No. 80068.I. Prohibited Acts

· SECTION 34. It shall be prohibited: a) To mutilate, deface, defile, trample on or cast contempt or commit any act or omission casting dishonor or ridicule upon the flag or over its surface; b) To dip the flag to any person or object by way of compliment or salute; c) To use the flag:
As a drapery, festoon, tablecloth;
As covering for ceilings, walls, statues or other objects;
As a pennant in the hood, side, back and top of motor vehicles;
As a staff or whip;
For unveiling monuments or statues; and
As trademarks, or for industrial, commercial or agricultural labels or designs.
o d) To display the flag:
Under any painting or picture;
Horizontally face-up. It shall always be hoisted aloft and be allowed to fall freely;
Below any platform; or
In discotheques, cockpits, night and day clubs, casinos, gambling joints and places of vice or where frivolity prevails.
e) To wear the flag in whole or in part as a costume or uniform;
f) To add any word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawings, advertisement, or imprint of any nature on the flag; g) To print, paint or attach representation of the flag on handkerchiefs, napkins, cushions, and other articles of merchandise; h) To display in public any foreign flag, except in embassies and other diplomatic establishments, and in offices of international organizations; i) To use, display or be part of any advertisement or infomercial; and j) To display the flag in front of buildings or offices occupied by aliens.
· SECTION 43. The Great Seal shall be affixed to or placed upon all commissions signed by the President and upon such other official documents and papers of the Republic of the Philippines as may be provided by law, or as may be required by custom and usage. The President shall have custody of the Great Seal.

(A complete copy of R.A. 8491 was submitted at the Social Science Office)

Questions and comments were raised by the participants like Mr. Basilan one of our representative. He commented on the awareness of the people specifically school teachers, government officials and other concerned on the proper display of the Philippine flag. He also requested for a copy of the heraldic code. Mr. Atienza gave his positive responded by informing Mr. Basilan of his availability for a flag awareness program in Batangas.

Before the program ended, GSIS official ask some concerned participants on the different problems they encounter with the GSIS eCard’s and other programs; followed by the distribution of certificates to the participants coming from Pasay and Tayabas Elementary and High School Public School Teachers, and Lyceum of the Philippines-Batangas representatives from the Faculty of Social Science.

Generally, the lecture-seminar has been a success. All the speakers were able to delivered their message clearly. After the afternoon snacks prepared by the organizers; all the participants, leave the avenue equipped with more updates and knowledge with regards to controversies and fallacies in Philippine History. This seminar will be of great help to the participants to improve more on their teaching competencies, most particularly in relation to the subject matter. Thus, improving the quality of services the Lyceum of the Philippines – Batangas, is providing to its students, especially now that it is ISO Accredited Institution in the Southern Tagalog Region.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

MONTALBO FAMILY TREE....research on going

The researcher is soliciting information about the "MONTALBO FAMILY TREE", if you have any information , please leave it on the comment space.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cattle and Bulalo the Best in Batangas Province... by EMMA E. MONTALBO, AB, MPA, Batangas, Philippines

Cattle and Bulalo…the Best in Batangas Province
I. Introduction

Batangas is well known as a producer of quality cattle. Public auction animal markets have been established in Tanauan, Lipa, Padre Garcia, Taal, Batangas, and Lemery. Tanuan City is being noted as the “Home of Batangas Beef”. Last 2004, the City held the first Batangas Beef Festival to highlight the high quality of various Batangas beef products including gotong Batangas, bulalo, tapa and others. The distinctive taste of Batangas beef is claimed to be the result of personalized feeding and care of the cattle being fattened.
According to Dr. Aries Garcia, City Veterinarian, one way for promoting Batangas beef is to increase the number of cattle being slaughtered in the City (Tanauan) slaughterhouse, thus increasing the City’s revenue. Of course, it will also result in bigger incomes for families engaged in livestock production.1

II. Literature of the Study

Cattle are the most important of all livestock animals. Cattle are under the genus “bos”, which species members can interbreed and produce fertile off spring.
There are two obvious breed groups of cattle in the world: the humped cattle, or zebu (Bos indicus), group which are found in tropical regions and the breeds which descended from an extinct wild type, the aurochs (Bos primigenius), and are now found throughout the temperate regions of the world. 2
There are cattle which breed on temperate climates: like the Brahman cattle in the U.S. resulting from interbreeding four strains of cattle from India. The Guzerat, the Nellore, the Gir, and the Krishma Valley. Indian cattle were first introduced for the specific purpose of cross breeding them with other groups that were not well adapted to the subtropical conditions of the Gulf Coast region. Brahmans that can withstand hot and humid weather are resistant to insects and are free from eye trouble. 3

The most common cattle in Batangas Province are Bos Taurus, Bos Indicus and White Brahman.However, the Belmont Red has exhibited higher fertility than pure Bos indicus breeds and better than most other Bos indicus X Bos taurus crosses. Their docile nature and good performance have been recognized by Pacific Islands and the Philippines where improvement in livestock population is carefully monitored. 4

The exact origin of our native cattle is not certain. Early cattle were predominantly Bos Taurus. Eventually, smaller cattle with thinner skin and dark brown, black and spotted white coloring became more common. These cattle were similar to the Wagyu of Japan and Hwangyu of China. It is possible that our original native cattle from these countries, owing to trade between China, Indo-China, and the Philippines that began over two thousand years ago. The Spanish Galleon trade with Acapulco and Mexico introduced new varieties of cattle, which also affected our native cattle populations. 5
These animals were larger than our native cattle, long of horn and better suited to the adverse climatic and terrain conditions of the tropics.

III. Body

Batangas cattle are mainly raised in covered backyard stables attached to the farmer’s kitchen. The cattle are fed with corn, mongo beans, rice, salt, and molasses producing tender, cherry red colored beef, marbled with white fat. Many meat stalls advertise their beef as Batangas beef but avoid beef carcasses with thick yellow fat. Yellow fat is a sign of a grass diet or old age, as in the case of retired old mastura cows. Beef with marbled white fat is the highest quality beef, produced by cattle that are fed more feed grains. Beef with marbled fat interspersed through the muscle is known to have less cholesterol and taste better than meat covered by thick external layers of yellow fat.
The fat globules of marbled beef dissolved when cooked releasing oil that tenderizes the muscle fiber. Batangas beef is much sought after in Filipino cooking, which often uses fat, bone, and bone marrow boiled gently under low fire. Some of the most popular dishes among our people are bulalo, caldereta and nilagang baka with vegetables.

Bulalo is the marrow in the bone of the beef shank. Beef shank is locally known as kenchi. It can be bought boneless or bone-in. With the bone, it is called bulalo. Prized for the delicious bone marrow, bulalo is not recommended for those with high cholesterol or those watching their fat intake. It is not an everyday dish. It is more of once-every two-or-three months meal for health considerations. 6
A bulalo soup to taste so good should have: 2 lbs beef knees (with marrow intact) 2 quarts water, 1 onion (halved) 3 leeks.(Broth preparation: Mix all ingredients in a large pot and bring to a boil. Skim the surface until the broth becomes clear. Cover and simmer at least one hour, or the longer you boil the bone marrow, the more it will tastes good. Serve hot with plain rice serves four). 7
In Batangas Province where selling beef and beef by- products is a major means of livelihood, roads are lined with restaurants and small eateries with bulalo as a specialty.
Santo Tomas, Batangas became a traveller’s favorite. Whether you are a traveling businessman or just on your way to Southern part of the Philippines, you should never fail to have a stop over in any of their restaurants, “carinderia”, or “kainan” for lunch or dinner.
We are told often that all this started in Sto. Tomas Batangas at roadside eateries where truck and bus drivers would stop. So there we ambled one day, and stopped at Rose and Grace, the largest, and best known, in front of which most of the cars were parked. We found that Bulalo was being consumed at almost every table. 8
“SINOY AND TRINING” are just a bit down the road, and the bulalo we got there was perfect according to Dorren G. Fernandez of Philippine Daily Inquirrer. While chatting with Lorenzo Carpio, brother of Trinidad Sangque, we learned thatthe owners of Rose and Grace and of Sinoy and Trining are sisters. The original bulalo had been a creation of an Aling Bering (Viring?),as he remembers, and from her, his sisters learned these things. Aling Trining, who was herself attending to the kawali and kalan in her kitchen, had started with Php 50.00 capital and was happy with just libreng pagkain for her family. With Mang Sinoy, also a musician with the restaurant, and by dint of hard work through the years, the couple had not only seen ten children through school, but had bought land as well. The restaurant had grown through the constant patronage, not of truck and bus drivers as rumor had it, but of “turista” “at lahat de kotse”. And, he revealed that, although bulalo seems simple to cook, the trick is in “pagtitimpla”. Only one person (probably Aling Training) is in charge at Sinoy and Training. Her formula is still kept secret. 9
In classy restaurants, bulalo commands a high price.
For Dennis Victor Edillon Jr., executive chef of Hotel Pontifino in Batangas City, the province is a great place as source of these ingredients. Its beef, for instance, is reputed to be the best of the breed, which is why the markets in Taal and other towns in Batangas are where traders from Manila buy cattle. Moreover, at Pastorelli fine dining restaurant, Edillon serves the ever-popular Bulalo with a twist. Its being less greasy is achieved through a very slow simmering process, which does not allow the grease to circulate in the soup. 10
Hotel and restaurants in the province make sure that quality flavors of Batangas cuisine are preserved specialy bulalo. That Batangas Province is a producer of quality cattle may be due to certain natural advantages: like the cool climate and good terrain, characterized by the presence of plateaus.
In addition, provincial officials, city, municipality, and barangay authorities are supportive of food production projects. All of these, combined with a generally good peace and order situation and an industrious and knowledgeable people who care well for their animals, help explain why Batangas takes the lead in our country’s beef production.

IV. Conclusion

Batangueño Hospitality offers a most inviting, interesting and delicious plate of Batangas “bulalo”. This generosity is evoking a deep sense of understanding, appreciation, identity, and nationalistic pride and fostering unity and harmony among the members of the community.
Now, Batangas is synonymous with beef and well known as a producer of quality cattle.To all of this, can be ascribed why many people distinguished Batangueño identity and why they consider Batangas Province as truly different from other locality in and outside the Philippines.

V. Recommendation

Batangueño hospitality should be valued and appreciated, while original Batangas cuisine should be preserved.

Batangas Government Officials should develop comprehensive development program and provide well funded “iwi” system of cattle feeding where the government as an owner of cows entrusts a farmer with a calf to grow and fatten. In addition to this, the government must concern itself with the issue of food security due to increasing population.
Agricultural Authorities should conduct a regular artificial insemination of cattle, conduct seminars and consultations on the latest development in farming especially in animal racing.
Backyard system of cattle raising should be encouraged because of the increasing demand of beef.
Civic organizations can contribute a lot to helping small under privileged farmers in uplifting their economic lot through agri-related livelihood projects.

To help farmers raise cattle for meat as well as for milk.

Civic organization and Local Government Officials

The participants in the program will be made to understand from the very beginning that the dispersed animals are not dole outs. These are female animals for breeding which the recipients will have to take good care of and to find ways and means for those animals to multiply.
The recipients don’t have any cash outlay in the beginning. But the dispersed animals are given a value, say Php 18 000.00 for a breedable calf. That amount will have to be paid by the farmer within five years without any interest and no provision for devaluation of the peso. Although the cattle have long gestation periods, the farmer should be able to exert efforts to enable the animals to multiply several times before reaching five years. The first offspring, if it is a female, will already have given birth to at least two calves five years after the farmer received the original animal.
The farmer will have to pay back the value of the original animal in cash or its equivalent.


This delightful beef soup is a specialty of the cattle-raising region in the province of Batangas.
2 lbs.-bias ng baka (beef kneeswith marrow intact)2 quarts-water1-onion, halved3-leeks, sliced 10 cups-chicken broth 1 pkg-dried banana blossoms

Put all of the ingredients in a large stickpot and bring to a slight boil. Skim the surface until the broth rmains clear. Cover and simmer at least 1 hour.Serve hot accompanied by rice for a light lunch pr as the first ourse to a large dinner. Remind your guests to enjoy the bone marrow!Serves 4.
Province of Laguna TravelGuide

Bos Indicus

VI. References

1 Tanauan as Home of Batangas beef. (September 8, 2005). Manila Bulletin, p. B-7

2 Ned D. Bayley, ed. Cattle, Encyclopedia Americana, vol. 6. (Grolier Incorporated, 1989), 64.

3 Ned D. Bayley, 63.
4 Belmont Red (2007, September 17) (on line), Available;

5Arañez German B. “The Cattle of Batangas Province”, Batangas Forged with Fire. Philippines: Ayala Foundation, Filipinas heritage Library Inc., 2002.

6 Batangas Best Bulalo & Native Foods: Don’t Miss the Bulalo (2007, September 17) ( on line), “Bulalo” Available; http//

7Santo Tomas Travel Guide (2007, September 17) (on line), Available;

8 Doreen G. Fernandez “Bulalo” in Sto Tomas Batangas” Philippine Daily Inquirer , (August 9, 1987).p 13 column 8.

9 Doreen G. Fernandez ,p 13 column 8.

10 Rowena C. Burgos “Gourmet fare a la Batangueño” Philippine Daily Inquirrer
Philippine Daily Inquirrer, June 24, 2005 p. D1.
11 Bulalo (2007, September 17) (on line), Available;
12 Province of Laguna TravelGuide (2007, September 17) (on line), Available; Province_of_Laguna-BR-1.html


I. Introduction

The History books, the history of the Philippines will not be complete without mentioning the significant personalities and families from Batangas. They played a very important role in our history. They advocated liberalism and revolutionary ideas. Many of them became leaders of the Philippine Revolution. Their children continued to take leading roles during the U.S. regime. In the twentieth century, some new names joined the ranks of the elite and continuously making a legacy of their own. What follows are the stories of the famous families who made Batangas what it is today.
At a time when education was what Rizal considered as the “sine qua non” of enlightened citizenship, the nationalism movement was immensely aided by the libertarian and crusading efforts of such scholars and patriots from Batangas, like Galicano Apacible, Sixto Lopez, Aguilera Solis, and Sotero Laurel, among others. Many of them contributed to our cause for freedom. Side by side with the sacrifices of countless heroes who shed blood in the field of battle were the statesmanship and principles of Apolinario Mabini, the sublime Paralytic” who earned the title “Brains of the Revolution,” the courage and steadfastness of General Miguel Malvar, who became distinguished as the last Filipino general to surrender to the superior arms and number of the Americans, and the diplomacy of Felipe Agoncillo, General Aguinaldo’s ambassador plenipotentiary to Paris, who vainly argued for our country’s right to pursue her own destiny. Likewise deserving, of mention is Marcela M. Agoncillo who made the first Filipino Flag while sharing her husband’s exile in Hongkong and who came to be known as the “Betsy Ross of the Philippines”. Another famous son is General Ananias Diokno who helped organize and arm revolutionary units in Visayas. If, as Carlyle declared, a nation’s history is the story of her greatest men, then it can be truthfully said that the province of Batangas has contributed greatly to the history of the Philippines. ( Arceo 1993: 5)
Moreover, each one of us has our own interesting family stories, memorable experiences that bind the family closer, and a family tree which is continuously growing. A family tree provides us with our own history and sense of identity.
On the other hand, oral history is a method of gathering and preserving historical information through interviews. Thus, in using this method we can make a very comprehensive family tree and story.
The first part is a family tree of selected famous families in Batangas City which has been traced up to the present. While, the second part is a compilation of famous families in Batangas.

II. Discussion
When the past and the present come together…

The following are the family trees of three selected famous families in Batangas City from the 1800 up to the present generation as per data available while the rest are compilations. Some information is highlighted like the person’s and events related to Philippine Revolution.

Pastor Family Tree (Eight generation)

The Pastors are descended from Justo Pastor who married Juana Roxas. His son, Angel, married Teresa Cangco, a Chinese mestiza whose business skills increased their fortune. Their son, Julian, prospered even more and in the 1880’s, built a large house near the church. So wide were its eaves, stretching over the middle of the street, that entire processions could take shelter in case of rain. Julian’s son, Pedro, married Rosario Arceo. Pedro was educated in Manila. He was the Finance secretary and intendente general de la division Malvar during the revolution. In 1901, he became a clerk of court, remaining in this position for seventeen years until his death. Pedro’s children were Engracia, Josefina, Socorro, Julian, Juan (doctor of medicine), Lourdes, Ildefonsa ( nun and took the name Rosario), and Cecilia.

Julian, former vice mayor of Batangas City for six years, married Maria Hilario from Cebu. Julian’s contribution to society were the various land donations for school and chapel like the land where Cuta Elementary School and Isla Verde Elementary School were erected and the site of Ibaan and Isla Verde chapel. Julian’s children are Pedro, Julian Jr., Vicente, Pacita, Manuel, and Rosario. Pedro is a mechanical engineer, former Batangas City councilor, and holds high position in Batangas Electric Company (Belaw). Julian Jr. was a Jesuit Priest at Ateneo de Manila, Student – Counselor at Ateneo High School, Principal of Xavier University High School, rector of Ateneo Jesuit Residence, rector of San Jose seminary. Vicente is a doctor of medicine practicing in Batangas, former councilor in Batangas City. Pacita is a pharmacist and Manuel, a dentist. Vicente Pastor, a doctor of medicine, former Batangas City Councilor for three years, married to Precilia Macatangay, retired chief nurse at the Batangas City Provincial Hospital. Vicente’s sons were Julian Pedro, Vicente Jr., Joselito, Angelo Marcelo and daughter Maria Enriqueta. Julian Pedro is a businessman. Julian Pedro’s sons are Julian Vicente, and Peter Paul and daughters Krishel. Vicente, a businessman, married Luella of Lobo. Vicente’s Jr., sons are Vico and Venson and daughters Vina and Vicvic. Joselito, a businessman, is manager of Verde Island Resort, married to Haidee Manigbas of Batangas City, businesswoman, also managed Verde Island Beach Resort. Joselito’s sons are Andrew and Anton and daughter’s Tintin and Trisha. Enriqueta Pastor or Doctor Maye, a doctor of medicine, who is married to Antonio Salvador. Doctor Maye with daughter Yza and son Gabriela. Angel Pastor is a priest and rector at Saint Francis de Salles Formation Seminary. Pacita Pastor Galimpin, pharmacist, cumlaude at UST is married still to Dionisio Galimpin, a CPA, former Batangas City Auditor, former Batangas Provincial Auditor, retired at Laguna on the same post. Manuel Pastor, a dentist is married to Josefina, a dentist. Manuel’s sons were Carlos and Manuel Jr. Carlos, a businessman is married to Evan Encarnado, an employee at Dynamic Bank while Manuel Jr., a businessman, working at Verde Island Beach Resort is married to Ivy Perrie a Philam Bank Employee. Manuel’s daughters are Maria Isabel and Maria Rita. Maria Isabel is a dentist married to Jesus Salvador, a doctor of medicine in Isabela Provincial Hospital. Maria Rita, a dentist, is married to Fernando Berberabe, a dentist, brother of Second District Board Member Jun Berberabe.Rosario Pastor the youngest daughter of Julian and Maria Hilario. (Pastor 2008: Personal Interview)
Juan, a doctor, married Brigida Concepcion Acosta whose family owned the Acosta-Pastor House. Juan’s children are Jesus, Jose, Antonio, Ramon (doctor of medicine practicing in Batangas; during his U.S. training, he was once privileged to provide medical services to movie star Marilyn Monroe), Rita (died in infancy), Luis (dentist), Juan Jr., Rafael, Teodoro, Milagros, and Albert. Jesus Pastor, a businessman, an employee of Development Bank of the Philippines, Manila, is married to Chiquita or Celia Elezalde, also DBP employee, with son Ramon “Monching” and daughter Josefina “Joy”. Jose Pastor and his wife is blessed with son Jose Jr. “Jojo”. Antonio is an attorney and businessman. Ramon is a doctor of medicine, married to Cynthia Borbon of Batangas City, with two children, the one recorded was Ramon Juan. Luis Pastor, a dentist is married to Josefina “Neneth” Garcia of Manila, retired bank employee. Luis’s children is Luis, Carlo, Edelberto, and Regina. Juan Pastor Jr ., businessman, connected to Philippine Manufacturing Company is married to Aurora Limjuco with eleven children. Juan Jr.’s children are Marian, Marita, Mariles, Juan, Joel, Jaime, Joven, Jorge, Maria Regin Angelica, Maria Escolastica and Jerome. Marian married Roberto Roces. Maria’s children are Inigo and Gaston. Marita married Mike Medado. Marita’s children are Leon and Ninez. Mariles married Jim Morris. Juan L. Pastor married Marissa V. Aguila. Juan’s children are Christian, Marty Colin and Joima. Joel is married to Baby Galarpe. Joel’s children are Patrick and John John. (Pastor A 2008: Personal Interview)
Rafael Pastor is married to Carina Lavadia Talambiras “Baby” of Batangas City, one of the two children is Marycons. Genevieve and Raymond Gerald. Teodoro, a former bank manager of Far East Bank is married to Teresita Borbon Rosales of Batangas City, former employee of Philippine National Bank and Pilipinas Shell Petroluem Corporation, with three children: Clarisa Angela, Maria Melisa Angela, Maria Katrina Angela. And Alberto Pastor, a bank manager of Philippine Banking Batangas Branch is married to Brenda Talambiras, with one child, Barbara Ann T. Pastor. Lourdes is married to Gavino S. Abaya (Batangas CFI Judge and a representative to the Philippine Legislature before the war). Lourdes’ children are Antonio, Gavino, Teresita, and Rosario. Antonio P. Abaya, a bemedaled Boy Scout who represented the country at the World Jamboree in 1950, and a practicing lawyer is married to Beverly Bouquet. Antonio’s children were Michael, James, and Estefanie. Gavino P Abaya Jr., former Ambassador who served at the New York Embassy and the Philippine Mission to the United nations has resettled his entire family in the US is married to Julia V. Cenon. Gavino’s children are Bernadette, Gavino, Maria Lourdes, Maria, Juan, Irene and Susan. Maria Lourdes, married to Agustin Bigornia. Maria Lourdes’s son is Jeffrey. Teresita P. Abaya married Cesar C. Okol (retired Colonel in the Philippine Constabulary). Teresita’s children are Cecille, Cesar, and Maria. Cecilla A. Okol is married to George Dee, with children Richard John. Cesar A. Okol Jr. is married to Aileen Cabrera. Rosari0 P. Abaya is married to Benny Atienza, with children Alex and Mayette.(Arceo 1993: 10)
The Pastors of Ibaan Batangas are also decendants of Justo.
In an interview of the researcher with Dr. Manuel Pastor, about the secret of long continuous popularity of the family, he said that it might be due to their own family values and close family ties. Reunions were usually organized by the family.
In addition to this, personal interview was conducted with one of a good friend of the family. She emphasized that the continuous popularity of the family, were due to ecomomic status, good heart to the needy, good image, preservation of landmarks and memorial schools.
Thus, such assessment is very evident.

Data about the Pastor were exclusively given to the researcher for this purpose only. Permission for reproduction should be secured from the Pastor family.
ARCEO FAMILY TREE (seven generation)

Fermin Arceo was a wealthy man, the owner of a residence in the poblacion of Batangas City. (May 1993: 187)
The Arceos are the descendants of Fermin Arceo and brother Leoncio who were counted among the wealthiest men in town, with landholdings in several barrios. Fermin had a hacienda in Ibaan. During the Revolution and the Philippine- American War, he continuously gave food, clothing, and financial aid to nationalists. Juan Arceo, uncle of Fermin, had a daughter, Rosario, who married Pedro Pastor. ( Tinio 2002: 191)
Both authors confirmed Fermin Arceo as one of the wealthiest man in Batangas City.
Remegio Arceo, last known descendant of the family is married to Micaela Villanueva. Remegio’s children are Juan, Fermin, Leoncio, Lorenzo, Florencio, Leocadio, and Andres.
Juan’s children are Rosario, Juliana, Sixto, Jose and Felix. Rosario Arceo’s descendant was included on the Pastor’s family tree. Sixto married Julia (“Reina de Luzon carnaval Filipino 1913”, moved to Ilocos Region). Jose Arceo is a doctor but no record about his own family was found. Felix Arceo, married Dominga Ong, with children, Juan (an engineer with the PNR and reportedly resided in Santa Cruz -Blumentritt, Manila) and Rosario. Juan is married to Remedios Barcelon. Juan’s children are Leonardo (Colonel of the Philippine Army), Rosalinda (doctor of medicine practicing in Metro, Manila), Angelina, Juan, Miguel, Carmelita. Leonardo B. Arceo is married to Salome Manso. Leonardo’s children are Lea, Ruthie, Benedick, and Juan. Angelina B. Arceo is married to Ernesto Vizcara. Angelina’s children were Alexander and Vera. Alexander A. Vizcara is married to Annete Go. Juan Arceo Jr. married Lani Elido, with daughter Arlene. Miguel B. Arceo is married to Aurora Di. Miguel’s children are Peter Jan, Noel, and Carmelita. Rosario O. Arceo married Enrique Villalon. Rosario’s children were Norma, Enrique, Daisy, Wendel, Rommel, Dennis, and Grace. Norma A. Villalon, married Romy Kintanar. Enrique A. Villalon Jr. married Delia. Daisy A. Villalon married Geraldo Ramos. Rommel A. Villalon, married Estacio.
Fermin V.Arceo, appointed by Gen. Malvar as a sheriff of a sort, empowered to pursue and punish robbers and other lawbeakers. After the liberation of the Province from the Spaniards, this wealthy man, owner of a large house in Batangas City, agricultural lands, and hacienda in Quilo, Ibaan, was imprisoned for supporting Gen. Malvar and his troops and in March 1901 he took the oath of allegiance to the Americans. Tomas Altamirano was married Prudencia Pagcaliwagan. Fermin’s first wife was Prudencia Pagcaliwagan and second wife was Maria Fortunato. Tomas Altamirano is married to Crispina Torralba. Tomas’s children was Reymundo, Gregorio, Mena, Daisy, Emma and Angelito. Gregorio T. Al married Rosita. Gregorio’s children are Ringo, and Roderick. Mena T. Arceo married Delfin Santos (doctor of medicine in Maryland), with child Mindy. Daisy T. Arceo married Manuel Zacarias, with daughter Ampy. Baliram Sidoo, with children Anna Liza. Angelito T. Altamirano, married Nora. Angelito’s children are Arnold, Allan, and Apple Jane. Emma T. Altamirano is married to Rodolfo Catibog. Emma’s children are Paul and Alexander.
Leoncio Villanueva Arceo, one of General Malvar’s closest friends, and classmates at Malabanan School, and member of the economic elite of Batangas was imprisoned by the Americans for helping the First Philippine Army under General Malvar. In 1902 he took the oath of allegiance to the Americans, freed from prison, served as intermediary in the negotiations that led to the surrender of the guerilla leaders, Lucio and Eulalio Buenafe. Leoncio’s second wife is Modesta Goco, with children Melecio and Inocencia. Felipa Pagcaliwagan. Melecio Goco Arceo, started working when he was barely 17 as an Int. Rev. Clerk and was able to work up to Assistant Provincial Tresurer of Batangas, at the time of his death 65. The elementary school of Dalig, Batangas City was named in his honor; he is married to Petronila Amores Francisco. Melecio’s children were Soledad, Pertonila (pharmacy graduate from UP, who used to operate a drugstore at the Batangas Public Market for a number of years.Concepcion ( maintained the ancestral house at 1 P. Zamora, Batangas , Batangas , BSE graduate from UP, teacher of Batangas National High School, government auditor at PNB Balayan, and finished a BSC course from WPC. Jose, Leoncio F. Arceo,“Citong” and other Batanguenos revolted in 1949 after the elections, he believed that there was cheating in the elections which denied Batangueno candidate Senator Jose P. Laurel the Presidency, whose pseudonym was Major Magtanggol; he was involved in Batangas Politics, elected to the Municipal council several times and attended UST majoring in Philosophy and Letters.
Jose Rea, Leoncio, and Vicente Olmos were the other members of the economic elite and one of Malvar’s closest friends. (May 1993: 191 and 196).
Ramon was provincial auditor (Orriental Mindoro, Mt. Province and Batangas) and City Mayor (Cavite, Lipa, Kaloocan) under the GAO. After retirement, he travelled extensively in Europe and several times to the United States. Modesta, Antonio (retired employee from Caltex Refinery and Superior Textile Corporation, engaged in subdivision development work, councilor of Batangas City for three years, founded the Batangas Senior Citizens Association of Los Angeles). Angeles Juliana ( B.S. Pharmacy, Central Colleges, Manila, ran a drug store in Batangas City, Teresita (Good Shepherd Nun at Quezon City).Petronila F. Arceo married Vicente Quinio Acosta. Petronila’s children are Manuel and Arturo. Manuel Acosta married Lerma Catibog. Manuel’s children are Maria Millicent, Maria Victoria, Marcius Galo, and Marco Raymond. Arturo A. Acosta married Aurora Marcial. Arturo’s children are Maria Aileen, Gerald Anthony, Maria Annalyn, and Geofrey. Maria Aileen M. Arceo married Ferdinand D. Umahon, with child Maverick Vicente. Gerald Anthony is married to Gemma Lanto, with daughter Marc Anthony.
Maria Annalyn M. Acosta is married to Elmerson Reyes, with daughter Andrew Joseph. Jose F. Arceo is married to Ruperta Mandanas Umali. Jose’s children are Lourdes, Adoracion, Oscar, Romeo (BBA graduate UE, CPA in Practice), Norma (AB, BSBA, CPA, MBA, work at the Central Bank of the Philippines, training specialist, expertise at the Human Resource Development), Ruben (BBA graduate from UE, CPA), Jaime, Susan, Helen (BBA graduates from UE, CPA), Mario ( BSBA degree in Accounting, UE, employed by Bechtel Corporation, Houston Texas,EDC representative, state of the art account payable system),Rogel, Delia.
Lourdes U. Arceo, married to Jose De Leon Santos. Lourdes’ children are Jessie Teresa (B.S. Degree in Medical Technology working with Kaiser Permanente, Medical Group/ Regional Laboratory), Joseph Joey, Johnny Jose, Jerome Jerry, Maria Joycee and Ana Laudette. Jessie Teresa A. Santos, married to Manuel Moyer Yuson. Jessie Teresa’s children are Jhensry S. Yuson, Marjorie Jane, Jacklyn Ann. Joseph Joey is married to Ma. Cristina Jacinto. Joseph’s children are Christian Anthony, Chester Joseph, and Carlo Philip. Johnny Jose A. Santos is married to Helen Alibado. Johnny is married to Helen Alibado. Johnny Jose’s children are Michael Angelo, Rochelle, and Ronald Jose. Maria Joycee is married to Arnel Ramon Pangilinan, with children Francis. Oscar U. Arceo is married to Alejandra Valera, with children Agnes Inez. Romeo U. Arceo (BBA, UE, CPA). Romeo’s children are Jose Ariel, Maria Arlyn, Philip Arnel, Antonio Artur, and Ignatius Aries. Jose Ariel is married to Ma. Glenda F. Tality. Norma U. Arceo is married to Ernesto Lantin Montecer (BS Agriculture, UP Los Banos, Laguna, employee DBP, 1986). Norma’s children are Maria Anna (BS Mass Communication), Ruth (B.S. Physical THeraphy, UST, cum laude, working at Sunrise Hospital in Florida), Vincent Paul (AB Management, San Beda College, 1991, worked at the Cathay Pharmaceutical in Manila and based in Zamboanga City), Cheryl Theresa (B.S. degree in Physical Therapy, UST Philippines), and Marie Concepcion. Ruth A. Montecer , B.S. Physical Therapy UST, working at Sunrise Hospital,Florida is married to Jonathan Joseph O. Mohns. Ruth child was Samantha Megan M. Mohns.
Ruben U. Arceo, BBA in UE, CPA is married to Feliciana Tiongson Maclang, B.S. Nutrition in Holy Ghost College, Mendiola, Manila. Ruben’s children are Ana Marie, Rafael, and Reginald. Jaime U. Arceo is married to Teresita Reyes Fide. Jaime’s children are Jose Alexi, Alena, Ma. Asuncion and Allan. Jose Alexi F. Arceo, mechanical engineer in Adamson University, married Anne Rochelle Aldana. Jose Alexi’s child was Alexi Ashley. Susan U. Arceo, in Finland, married Honorato Bondad. Susan’s children are Joel Raymundo, Jeffry Nonato, Jeraldine, Jayson, Joycelle Maria and Joan Lourdes. Jeffry Nonato A. Bondad married Judy Fandialan. Jeffry Nonato’s children are Jeffriel and Timothy. Helen U. Arceo, BBA in UE, CPA are married to Ricardo Dela Rosa Del Rosario. Helen’s children are Joseph Raymond and Nicanor. Mario U. Arceo, BSBA degree in Accounting in 1972, in UE, married to Edita Salvahan Gabuten. Mario’s children Alvin, Allen, and Naomi. Rogel U. Arceo married Nadia Pimentel Vinzons. Rogel’s children Joseph Vinzons, Matthew Vinzons, Jonathan Vinzons. Clarita Torres’s son Ann Bregitte. Delia U. Arceo, B.S. in Medical Technology,UST,is married to Efren Causapin from Nasugbu Batangas. Delia’s children are Joseph, Christabel, and Patricia. Leoncio F. Arceo married to Luz Veligano Solatan (teacher at Batangas North Elementary School and a pioneer of Modern Math at the same school).Leoncio’s children are Juan Cesar(B.S. Mechanical Engineering, in Mapua Institute of Tech., Head of Motorpool and Engr. At Caloocan City, and at Worthington Corporation in New Jersey), Lydia (B.S. Chemistry from UST, M.S. in Organic Chemistry from Purdue University in 1964 and M.B.A. from Maryville University in 1991 still registration manager for the Monsanto Co. in St. Luis, MO.), Belen (BSN in La Concordia, BA in De Paul University, BSN in 1979 from Rutgers State University of NJ and working as staff nurse, N. Institute. etc.) Ester (B.S. in Natural Science in St. Paul College 1964),and Cenon Celso (AB student at Washington University). Juan Cesar Solatan married Aguida Panaglima Caperina from Tayabas Quezon. Juan Cesar’s children are Dulce Simeona, Cesar Angelo and Celia Martina.
Dulce Simeona C. Arceo married Francis McRae Speilman. Dulce Simeona’s child was McRae Virginia. Cesar Angelo C. Arceo married Maria Victoria Ramos Cruz. Cesar Angelo’s children are Celso Angelo, Maria Cristina, Catherine Theresa, and Victor Carlos. Celia Martina C. Arceo, B.S. in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland in 1991, married Raul Sementela Andeza of Zamboanga City. Lydia S. Arceo married Felicisimo Ronquillo Suba of San Fernando Pampanga (B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering form Mapua in 1956, employed at PASUDEO as Design Engineering and currently employed by Alvey,Inc., as material handling engineering firm in St. Louis, MO. Lydia’s children are Felipe Louis and Lourdes Lizamarie. Belen S. Arceo married Antonio F. Arambulo of San Pablo, Laguna. Belen’s children are Joseph Anthony and Maria Cecilia. Ester S. Arceo married Nestor Japson Tambor of Calbiga Samar( B.S.J in UST and has extensive first-hand experience in the convenience store business).Ester’s children are Joseph Walter (B.S. in Architecture from the University of Notre Dame) and Michelle Anne (B.S. Mathematics from the University of Notre Dame in 1991).
Ramon F. Arceo married Rosario Castillo of Santo Tomas Batangas (teacher at Batangas National High School and Ramon Magsaysay High School in Manila, taught English and Mathematics and Doctor Degree holder). Ramon’s children are Ruben (BSBA from UP, CPA, took up law at UE, MBA degree in Ateneo, retired Delbros Hotel Corporation employee, involved with real estate, agricultural pursuits and Philippine Science High School Foundation Inc.), Ramon Jr.(BSBA in Accounting, UP, MBA, De La Salle University, CPA, EDP of PCI bank,staffmember, president of Bancnet and currently president of PCI Automatic center), Rosario(BSN, UP, staffnurse in Chicago), Raoul (BBA in Accounting, CPA, head of the computer group for Ysmael Steel and Colgate-Palmolive,have migrated to Australia), Raquel (BSBA Mktg, UP,MBA, Roosevelt University Chicago, worked with Rustan’s and currently employed at Sears, Chicago), Ralph and Ronald (BSBA, CPA, branch manager of PCI bank).Ruben Pedro C. Arceo married Ernanie Vallejos Tiangco of Rosales Pangasinan(AB, BSC, College of the Holy Spirit, CPA, President and General Manager of Xaber Realty and Development Corporation a family corporation). Ruben Pedro’s child is Rowena Bernardine (B.S. Math, M.A. in Industrial Economics in Center for Research and Communication, worked with a computer group in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), Robert Alvin T. Arceo(Philippine Science High School and DOST Scholar, Civil Engineer), and Regina Xandra (B.S. Psychology course from Assumption College, enrolled at Ateneo College of Law at Makati). Ramon C. Arceo Jr. married Edithalden B. Perez (BSC from the College of Holy Spirit in 1960, retired from MWSS in 1994). Ramon Jr’s child was Eric.Raoul C. Arceo, married Luz Vergara (well versed in computer applications). Raoul’s children are Ralph (B.S. Ed., from the University of Western Sydney, NEPAN, 1990), Rica (BSC major in Marketing from the University of Wfromestern Sydney,1930, Rachel (BSC major in Computing/Marketing from the University of Western Sydney,1994), Roxanne, and Renee. Raquel C. Arceo married Leonard Alan Duszynski. Ronald Clemente C. Arceo married Melanie Socorro E. Felix (CPA from St. Paul College). Ronald Clemente’s children are Riegelle, Raphael, and Ronald Michael. Modesta F. Arceo is married to Ernesto Quintos Uson of Calasiao, Pangasinan. Modesta’s children are Olga (B.S. Music degree from St. Scholastica College, music teacher), Aida (with the Pink Sisters at Philadelphia), Luis (BSC and MBA, De La Salle University and runs Sinagtala Publications and Opus Dei Numerary), Guia (B.S. Fine Arts from the College of the Holy Spirit), and Ernesto (B.S. Electronics Engineering, Don Bosco College, Computer training in the US).Guia A. Uson married Juris Casimiro. Guia’s children are Jason Martin and Joel Matthew. Ernesto A. Uson is married to Aurora Fe.
Antonio F. Arceo is married to Remedios DeJoya. Antonio’s children are Carmelita (B.A., Bachelor in Music, servants of the Blesses Sacrament Congregation), Ceilo (BBA , UE, CPA, Eligibility Worker for the LA County DPSS, Account Analyst for LA Unified School District and currently operating a board and home care for old people in Granada Hills and Northridge, CA),Cecile (CPA, Banker, vice president of Union Bank General Accounting Division) Edgar ( San Beda Graduate, Basketball star during the NCAA competitions), Efren (joined the Benedictine Order at San Beda College, Treasurer of the congregation, Dean of the College of Commerce, Economics and Liberal Arts, Principal of the Elementary School), and Edsel ( took up college course at U.P. and San Beda. Ceilo J. Arceo is married to Jose Blanco Carlos (BSBA. UP, CPA, moved to Los Angeles Califonia). Ceilo’s children are Ariel (UCLA graduate, currently undertaking real estate work in Arizona), Rogel (Dental Surgeon from the University of the Pacific, practicing at San Diego), Lemuel (undertaking legal work in Hawaii), and Orlene Marie (BS in Biology from Santa Clara University). Ariel A. Carlos married Rhoda D. Maglaya (Los Angeles) and Aida (Philippines). Ariel’s child with Aida was Catrina. Rogel A. Carlos is married to Rosemarie Lee of Los Angeles. Rogel’s children are Channelle, Cheyne, Sabrina and Gabriela. Cecile Arceo is married to Eufracio Evidente Cruz Jr. of Laguna (banker, consultant to a financing program of the World Bank and KFW of Germany and holding office at the DBP in Makati, Philippines). Cecile’s children are Anne Marie Therese ( Business Economics, UP), and Anne Paula.
Edgar Arceo married Francella Sacluti from Laguna. Edgar’s children are Maria Carmelita( Doctor of Medicine from UERM), Edgar (B.S. Masscom, Ateneo de Manila) and Paolo (working for the family firm). Edsel J. Arce is married to Alicia Aquino. Edsel’s children are Ryan Marco, Cristina Alicia, and Elanna. Angeles Juliana F. Arceo is married to (BSC major in Accounting, FEU, top-ranked tennis player and worked his way up PNB’s corporate structure and retired as head of the PNB Branch Office in Chicago). Angeles’s children are Petronila Juliana (BSC Marketing, UST), Felix (B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Southern Illinois University on a tennis scholarship), Melecio (Graphic artist on a tennis scholarship) and Justiniano (Graphic Artist).Petronila Juliana is married to Dante Mallari form Pampanga( BSC Economics, UST, now Head of CP unit of BPI). Petronila’s children are David Nikolas, Dominic Angelo, and Desiree Rose. Felix A. Ampon married Pamela Egar from USA. Felix’s children are Cristine and Justin. Melecio A. Ampon is married to Elena Marcosa Aguila. Melecio’s children are Marcus Amadeo and Marcella Angela.
Inocencia G. Arceo is married to Jose Agregado of Batangas. Inocencia’s children are Salud, Consuelo, Jose, Pacifico (Auditor of the Philippine government), Rosario, Pacita, Honesto, Gloria (worked at Public Library at Batangas City), Leon, Inocencia and Antonio, Dioscoro( victim of an unsolved murder at Batangas), Amado and Serafin. Salud A. Agregado married Baldomero A. Argegado. Salud’s children are Baldomero, Julieta and Wilfredo. Baldomero A. Agregado Jr. is married to Mely. Baldomero’s children are Baldomero, Annaliza, Wilfredo and Linda. Julieta A. Agregado is married to Pablo Babiera. Julieta’s children are Ma. Lourdes, Ma. Luisa, and Ma. Isabel. Wilfedo A. Agregado is married to Linda. Consuelo A. Agregado married Juan Lira Perez (dentist). Consuelo’s children are Lydia Socoro ( BSC major in Management) and Dulce Gregoria (BSC major in Banking). Lydia Socoro A. Perez is married to Floro Tapia Riel. Lydia Socoro’s children are Katrina Angela and Carlo Andre.Dulce Gregoria A. Perez is married Caesar Villongco Aduna. Dulce Gregoria’s children are Michael Antony, Christopher Ryan, and Melissa Jane. Jose A. Agregado Jr., nicknamed Pepito, disappeared in Manila during the Second World War when the Philippines was under the Japanese occupation, married Rosa Padilla. Jose’s child was Tessie. Pacifico A. Agregado is married Milagros Dinglasan Dimaano. Pacifico’s children are Vergilio, Emmanuel, Rosalinda, Jeanette, and Mary Rose.Vergilio D. Agregado married Rosario Alejandre. Virgilio’s child was Raymond. Rosalinda D. Agregado married Danilo Tiongsen. Rosalinda’s children are Peter Dan, Paul Eric, and Lina Rose. Jeanette D. Agregado married Herman Reyes. Jeanette’s children are Jan Patrick and Joanna Patricia. Mary Rose D. Agregado married John Carino. Mary Rose’s child was Angelica. Honesto A. Agregado married Teresita Masalunga of San Juan Batangas. Honesto’s child was Joel. Gloria A. Agregado married Jorge Panganiban Mendoza of Batangas City, completed law at WPC and was one time City Auditor of Batangas. Gloria’s children are Alejandro (Bus.Adm, employed by the Department of Trade and Industry), Pedro Alberto (AB Political Science, employed by the Batangas City Government), Jose (United Coconut Planters Bank, Bauan,Batangas), Maria Teresa (AB Mass Communication, employed at the GSIS Regional Office at Batangas City, runs an eatery, dabbles in real estate,).Inocencia A. Agregado married Tacio Gutierrez of Batangas. Dioscoro A. Agregado married Leonarda Bauan of Batangas. Dioscoro’s children are Bella (BSC degree, works for Far East Bank), Diosdado (Nautical Marine, employed by M/V LEIRA in Wanchi, Hongkong), Francisco (Computer Science graduate, working in Saudi Arabia) , Geraldo (BSC, employed by the Batangas City Government- Treasurer’s Office and Land Tax Section), Joselito (AB Political Science and works with PhilamLife) and Diosa (AB Political Science).Francisco B. Agregado married Celia Bunquin. Francisco’s child was Dasel. Diosa B. Agregado married Joven Gusto. Diosa’s child was Justine Patrick. Serafin A. Agregado married Honie Digdigan. Lorenzo Arceo married Teodora Montalbo of Batangas. Lorenzo’s children are Ana, Francisca, Maria, and Rosario(resided at the corner of E. Evangelista and P. Prieto Street, Batangas City). Ana M. Arceo married Crisanto Bagsit. Ana’s children are Aurelia, Genoveva, Maria Marta, Natalia, Isabel, Felipa, and Florencio Geraldo(BSC major in Banking from San Beda College, PNB COA auditor).Florencio Geraldo A. Bagsit married Alice Perez Uson(cousin of Ernesto Uson, married Modesta Arceo, teacher at Batangas National High School).Florencio’s children are Zenaida (BS Pharmacy, UST, worked with the PDIC before moving to the U.S.), Arturo (medical doctor in Manila), Monina (BSC, Assumption College, worked with Far East Bank), Albert (AB Economics, Ateneo, MA, Asian Institute of Management,MA/Ph.D. studies in Urban and Regional Planning at U.P. as a University Scholar), Florencio(AB General Studies, Ateneo) and Alfred (Liacom-AB/BSC),La Salle University).Zenaida U. Bagsit is married to Marcelino Cruz. Zenaida’s chiidren are Arnold, Jennifer Mercy, Johanna Marie, and Jacqueline Michelle. Arturo Miguel U. Bagsit married Beatriz Gruenberg Legaspi. Beatriz’s children are Michael, Maurice, Michelle, and Maureen. Monina U. Bagsit married Oscar Ramos. Monina’s children are Alexander and Margarita. Albert U. Bagsit married Geraldine Guillen (AB Mascom from Maryknoll College, QC, media practitioner, TV producer). Albert’s children are Gino Alberto and Gaston Xavier.Florencio U. Bagsit married Isabel Catipon.Alfred U. Bagsit, married Susan Forteza. Alfred’s child was Therese.
Francisca M. Arceo married Apolinar Quinio. Francisca’s children are Carmen, Leandro, Soledad, Rodolfo and Belen (teacher at Batangas National High School, served as Batangas City Treasurer).Maria M. Arceo married Vicente Villena. Maria’s children are Gregorio A. Villena (Chief clerk for the Muncipality of Batangas, promoted Municipal Treasurer and then Provincial Treasurer and the various provinces in the Philippines), Flaviano and Soledad. Gregorio A. Villena married Maria Mendoza. Gregorio’s children are Gregorio Jr., Teodoro, Felixberto, Roseo, Danilo, Antonio, Miguel and Aristeo M. Villena. Gregorio M. Villena Jr. married Maria Balid Caringal. Gregorio Jr.’s children are Josephine, Lourdes, Edgardo, Ferdinand, Gilbert (BSC), Jeanne (BSN), Arlene (Computer Science and now in Guam,USA), Divina (Psychology, La Consolacion) and Marilyn (Tourism, La Consolacion).Josephine C. Villena, married to Santos Baldoza Montemayor. Josephine’s children are Fernando, Vic John, and Hanna Marie. Lourdes C. Villena married Ben Jener Santos. Lourdes’s children are Garrete and Roesiena. Felixberto M. Villena, Supply Officer VI Property for the Batangas City Hall) is married to Nelie Mendoza. Felixbeto’s children are Marie Beth, Ma. Lourdes, Michael, Ma. Carmen. Ma. Lourdes M. Villena married Freddie M. Driz. Ma. Lourdes’s children are Paul Benedick and Larsen Deighl. Danilo M. Villena resides in Ternate, Cavite, married Ofelia Sendong Velasco. Danilo’s children are Dino Perseval, Danilo Mar, and Cheryl Grace. Antonio M. Villena married Teresita Cruz Arboleda. Antonio’s children are Marijo (BSManagement, Palawan), Marlo(Customs Administration, Lyceum of Batangas), Ma. Teresa A. Villena, Marijo A. Villena, married to Elroy John Clark Hagedorn. Marijo’s child was Emmanuel Christop. Flaviano A. Villena married Petra Alano ( nurse, teacher at Golden Gate College). Flaviano’s children are Conception, Conrado, Flaviano Jr., Antonio, Juanito, Teresita, and Alberto. Conception A. Villena, married Rodolfo Cordova. Concepcion’s children are Rainier, Rodolfo, Raleigh, Rodolfo, Angelica, Aileen, Richard and Paulito and Abigail. Rainier V. Cordova married Catherine Perez. Rainier’s child is Rainier Charles. Rodolfo V. Cordova married Corazon Alayon. Rodolfo’s children are Chesa, Carlos, and Kevin. Raleigh V. Cordova married Elona Enriquez. Raleigh’s children are Jarell Vincent and Jazzel Venette. Rodolfo V. Cordova married Flordeliza C. Cantos (BSC Accounting).Rodolfo’s child is Ysabel. Aileen V. Cordova married Eduardo Mendoza. Aileen’s child is Gil Geraldo. Conrado A. Villena married Norma Cuarto. Conrado’s children are Arnold, Bernadette, Carissa and Dorothy.Flaviano A. Villena Jr. married Avelina Mercado. Flaviano’s children are Alex, Agnes, Arlene and Amylene. Antonio A. Villena married Minerva Bathan. Antonio’s children are Melvin, Ferdinand, and Raphael. Juanito A. Villena married Milagros Limbo. Juanito’s children are Jeffrey, Paul, Mildred, Melanie, Michelle.Alberto A. Villena married Mediadora, Calleja. Alberto’s children are Neal Bryan, Ray, and Paul Vincent. Soledad A. Villena married Beltran.
Florencio Arceo married #92(no data available). Leocadio Arceo married Pagcaliwagan. Leocadio’s children are Flora, Alejandra, Conchita, Nicolasa, Luisa, Catalina, Agapito, Cecilia and Antonia.Nicolasa P. Arceo married Enrique Claudio. NIcolasa’s children are Narding, Juliana, Francisco, Mercedes, Josefa, Enrique, Socorro, Ramon, Rosario, Flora, Johnny (bishop in Lucena, Quezon), Beatriz, and Jose. Juliana A. Claudio married Tomas Lazo. Juliana’s children are Lourdes, Luz, Tomas, Jess, Ramon and Luis. Tomas C. Lazo, married Lynne. Jess Cl Lazo married Nita. Jess’s child is John Lazo. Ramon C. Lazo married Joy. Ramon’s child is Dette. Francisco A. Claudio married Evangeline Revilla. Francisco’s children are Carmencita, Francisco, Cecilia, Ma. Theresa, Evelyn, Edgardo, Boy, and Jose Maria. Carmencita R. Claudio married Bert Aguas. Carmencita’s children are Michael, Frederick, Cynthia and Dale. Michael C. Aguas married Brenda Hurtubise. Frederick C. Aguas married Cristy Ann Hale.Francisco R. Claudio married Ofelia Reyes. Francisco’s children are Pia and Albert. Cecilia R. Claudio married Noy Esperancilla. Cecilia’s children are Mark and Cristine. Ma. Theresa R. Claudio married Gail Wilson.Evelyn R. Claudio married Diosdado Salvador. Evelyn’s children are Dino, Bettina, and Monica. Edgardo R. Claudio married Patricia Adao. Edgardo’s children are Anthony and Patrick. Boy R. Claudio married.Boy’s children are Francis and Jamie. Jose Maria R. Claudio married Lucy Bolido. Jose Maria’s children are Justine, Jushua, and Jacqueline. Mercedes A. Claudio married Honesto Cabrera; both of them are doctor.Mercedes’ children are Ramiro, Honesto Jr., Victor, Noel, Jaime, Rosario, Efren, Enrique, Mario and Alex. Ramiro C. Cabrera married Zeny Zalamea. Ramiro’s children are Alexandra, Georgia, Ricky, and Maoie. Honesto C. Cabrera married Generoso Tiongco. Honesto’s children are Geneueve, Georgina, and Gwendolyn. Noel C. Cabrera married Cecile Maigue. Noel’s children are Marisha, Natasha and Misha. Rosario C. Cabrera married Manuel Lopez. Rosario’s children are Ana and Paolo. Efren C. Cabrera married Gemma Mondragon, with child Regina. Enrique C. Cabrera married Myra Malit. Enrique’s children are Honesto and Amy. Mario C. Cabrera married Victoria Bondoc. Mario’s children are Angela and Rita. Alex C. Cabrera married Esperanza Chua. Alex’s children are Frances and Paolo. Enrique A. Claudio Jr. married Victoria Zabarre (doctor). Enrique’s children are Corazon, Mediadora, Tita, Julie, Rafael and Gabriel. Julie z. Claudio, married Sonny Capalongan. Rosario A. Claudio married Manuel Azurin. Rosario’s children are Josephine, Carmen, Francisco, Manuel, Ramon, and Ma. Corazon. Josephine C. Azurin married Antonio Honrado. Josephine’s children are Sancho, Carla, Antonio, and Miguel. Carmen C. Azuria married Renato Tuazon. Carmen C. Azuria’s children are Josef Vincent and Marc. Francisco C. Azurin married Zenaida Atienza. Francisco’s children are Lalik, Gian and Kakay. Manuel C. Azurin Jr. married Melinda Valdez. Manuel’s children are Mark, Mamae, and Mikki. Ramon C. Azurin married Lanie Daag. Ramon’s children are Nicole, and Ramon Jason. Ma. Corazon C. Azurin married Peter Precill. Ma. Corazon’s children are Mikko and Kyle. Jose A. Claudio married Victoria Sison. Jose’s children are Roberto, Teresita, Ma. Victoria, Jose, Renato, Anabelle, Lilia and Rodolfo. Roberto S. Claudio married Ellen. Roberto’s children are Toby and and Lizette. Teresita S. Claudio married Ninoy Buktaw. Teresita’s children are Dino and Patricia. Ma. Victoria S. Claudio married Joey Vinas. Ma. Victoria’s children are Marc and Michael. Jose S. Claudio married Beth Adriano, with child Louie.Anabelle S. Claudio married Butch Recto. Anabelle’s children are Anica and Anton.Lilia Ana S. Claudio married Boy Favis. Lilia Ana’s children are Anina, Angela, and Alfonso. Rodolfo S. Claudio married Cecile, with child Steven.
Luisa P. Arceo, married Manuel Agregado (First Auditor General after the Second World War, when the Philippines became an independent republic; a street at Sta. Mesa Height, Q.C. was named after him). Luisa’s children are Emilio, Baldomero, Vicenta, Josefa, Angel, Manuel, Antonio, Juanito, and Armando.Emilio A. Agregado married Crisanta De Joya. Baldomero A. Agregado married Salud A. Agregado. Baldomero’s children are Baldomero Jr., Julieta, and Wilfredo. Baldomero A. Agregado married Mely. Baldomero Jr.’s children are Baldomero III, Annaliza, Wifredo and Linda. Julieta A. Agregado married Pablo Babiera. Julieta’s children are Ma. Lourdes, Ma. Luisa, and Ma. Isabel. Wilfredo A. Agregado married Linda. Vicenta A. Agregado married Bienvenido Medrano. Vicenta’s children are Jose, Antonio, Eugenia, Bienvenido, Ma. Theresa, Ma. Bernadette and Vicente. Antonio A. Medrano married Ma. Luisa Conde. Antonio’s children are Monique, Manuel, and Maria. Jose A. Medrano married Cynthia Reyes. Jose’s children are Penny, Jovan, JB, and Michael. Eugenia A. Medrano married Yugi Endu. Eugenia’s children are Mari and Ken. Bienvenido A. Medrano, married Rhoda, with child BJ.Ma. Theresa A. Medrano married Francisco Ganzon, with child Francesca. Ma. Bernadette A. Medrano, married Carlos Crespo, with child Angela. Josefa A. Agregado married Pablo Marquez (doctor, Provincial Health Officer in Marinduque), with child Zenaida. Angel A. Agregado married Flor. Angel’s children are Flor Angel, Manuel, Wilfredo, and Angielie. Manuel A. Agregado Jr., married Clarita, with children Linda. Linda Agregado married Jun Virata, with child Gina. Antonio A. Agregado married Milagros. Armando A. Agregado married Lorenza Nicasio. Armando’s children are Renito, Rudy, Cynthia, Melissa and Armando. Renito N. Agregado, married Milagros Licaulo. Cynthia N. Agregado married Romulo Saratan.Catalina P. Arceo married Rodrigo Montemayor of Aluminos, Pangasinan. Catalina’s children are Rodisendo, Michaela, Marcelino ( RC Priest), Rodrigo, Juan, Iluminado and Jacinto. Rodisendo A. Montemayor married Aurelia Godoy Buno. Rodisendo’s children are Iluminado, Rosario (working at Batangas Provincial Hospital),Victoria, Rodolfo, Leonardo, Tita, Editha, Raul, and Juan. Iluminado B. Montemayor married Elenita Mendoza Castaneda. Iluminado’s children are Peter Dennis, Patricia, Joseph, Pia, Margarita, Monica, Ma. Elena, and Jose Maria Rafael.Rosario B. Montemayor, married Vicente Bagsit Panaligan. Rosario’s children are Joseph, Christopher, Mark Vincent, and Paul Anthony. Rodolfo B. Montemayor, married Edna de Castro. Rodolfo’s children are Raymund Marc,and Ralph Emmanuel. Leonardo B. Montemayor married Esmene Caleda born in Ilocos. Leonardo’s children are Ma. Darlene Joyce, Rod Vicente and Nina Jouline. Editha B. Montemayor married to Danilo Anomuevo. Editha’s children are Jay Rafael, Francis Oliver and Maria Christine.Raul Gabriel B. Montemayor married Marlene Polines, with child Kurt Thomas. Juan B. Montemayor is married to Mercy Francisco of Mindoro. Juan’s children are Russelle and Patrick.Juan A. Montemayor is married to Josefina Lacuna. Iluminado A. Montemayor is married Rosario Muniz.Jacinto A. Montemayor is married to Rosario Uriza.
Agapito P. Arceo married Ildefonsa Babasa. Agapito’s children are Juan, Remigio(Remigio,Maria and son, Juanito were killed in the American bombing raid on January 7, 1945 in Batangas, Batangas during the Second World War; other family members were wounded, but lackily survived), Marcial(resided at Calero, Batangas), Isabel, Pedro, Anunciacion, Martiniana, Antonia,Pablo and Ramon. Efipania Abela Habon, married Agapito P. Arceo.Efipania Abela Habon married Pedro, Gliceria, Benito, Roberto (employed by National Water System), Teresita and Salome. J
uan B. Arceo, married to Rosa Siwa. Juan’s chidren are Cristy, Cecelia, Jose, Leonardo and Martin. Jose S. Arceo is married to Emiliana Caraig. Jose’s children are Ray, Rose, Jose and Johnny. Fernando S. Arceo is married to Rosella Valle. Fernando’s children are Emilie and Eunice and Elsie. Ray C. Arceo is married to Doris Salisis. Ray’s children are Reden and Daryl. Maria Ramona Marasigan is married to Remigio B. Arceo. Maria Ramona’s children are Paulino (endured under the Marcos Martial Law), Lutgarda ( BSC, FEU, Magna Cum Laude,CPA topnotcher,headed the finance group at Hawaaian Sugar Central, college professor, active PICPA), Juan, Francisco, Leon, Zosimo, Felito and Sixto. Paulino’s children are Ma. Ramona,John Paulino, Ma. Thelma L. Arceo (Biology graduate, UP, worked with NIST and the PNOC before her U.S. post-graduate, M.A. degree in energy managament and development, New York Institute of Science and Technology, Ph.D. candidate in energy magament and policy at the University of Pennsylvania, director for energy resources and technology at the NY Coalition Urban Hsg. Grp., expert in bio-gas tech), and Ma. Theresa. John Paulino L. Arceo is married to Cecile Iglesias. John Paulino’s children are Juan Paolo, Cathy, and Joann. Lutgarda M. Arceo married Artemio Samaniego of Kawit, Cavite. Francisco M. Arceo married Ma. Antonia Seva of Bacolod City. Francisco’s children are John Gilbert and Francis Albert.
Leon M. Arceo is married to Lucia Lantican. Leon’s children are Leo Gabriel and Noel Remigio. Zosima M. Arceo is married to King A. Phojanakong. Zosima’s children are King and Paul John. Felito M. Arceo is married to Teresita Soblano. Felito’s children are Ari, Arne and Armi. Marcial B. Arceo is married to Silvina Delen. Marcial’s children are Angelo (U.S. Navy), Leonardo (employed at the Provincial Auditor’s Office), Amelia (BSC, UST, employed by the Metro Port Service), Ildefonsa (LLB graduate, WPC, employed at GSIS, Batangas City),Marcial Jr., Myrna (AB English, San Beda College, teacher at San Sebastian College), Alicia (BSE,San Beda College), Belinda (A.B. Economics,CEU) and Corazon (AB History, St. Teresa College in Q.C.).Angelo D. Arceo is married to Amelia Ross (Mely’s Dad is an American, but she was raised in Cavite, where her father was the former Base Commander at Sangley Point.), with daughter Shirley Ann.
Leonardo D. Arceo is married to Ligaya Macatangay (CPA, former Batangas City auditor, now heads the audit group at the GSIS Regional Office at Batangas City. Leonardo’s children are Lilibeth, Leonel (Civil Engr. In Hongkong),Leah Marie, Ma. Larisa, Ma. Lourdes, Leonardo, Leroy and Libio. Lilibeth M. Arceo, married to Rolando Yadao. Leonel M. Arceo is married to Belen Gonito. Leonel’s children are Romalyn and Evan Laurence. Leah Marie is married to Boyet Pagcaliwagan of Lipa City. Leah’s children are Jolo and Kim.Ildefonsa D. Arceo is married to Demetrio Robles. Ildefonso’s children are Dominic, Olivia (Physical Theraphist, UERM), and Ronan Marcial (B.S. Arch.). Marcial D. Arceo Jr. is married to Erlinda Endaya. Marcial Jr.’s children are Mario, Teodoro, David, Janet, Joselito, and Anabelle.
David E. Arceo is married to Mirriam Pasahol of Lipa. David’s children are Miguel, Marco Paulo, Margarita and Marion. Alicia D. Arceo is married to Victor Diaz, with son Alvin.Isabel B. Arceo is married to Andres Villanueva Remo of Cuenca. Isabel’s children are Lourdes, Francisca, Genoveva, Leoncio, Ildefonso, Niceta, Manuelita, and Gabriel. Lourdes A. Remo is married Manuel Berron. Lourdes children are Alexander, Benneth, Consolacion, Leawin and Edel Weiss. Alexander R. Berron is married to Erlinda Sioson. Benneth R. Berron is married to Leticia Angeles. Benneth’s children are Apple and Eimon. Francisca A. Remo is married to Rolando A. Montecillo. Francisca’s children are Nanette, Noraida, Sonny, Cecelia and Micaila. Cecilia R. Montecillo is married to Domingo Gulay, with son Kevin Christian. Genoveva A. Remo is married to Pacifico Ama. Genoveva’s children are Josefina, Ma. Gilda, Benilda, Emerito and Isabelita. Josefina R. Ama is married to Temestocles Dayangdayang, with son Tmothy and daughter Kathleen. Ma. Gilda R. Ama is married to Eugenio Maranan. Ma. Gilda’s children are Maurice Gil, Manlo Gil, Leo Gil. Benilda R. Ama is married to Philip Y. Del Rosario. Benilda’s children are Philip Bryan and Princess Bianca. Isabelita R. Ama is married Geraldo Clarin. Isabelita’s children are Gerbett Jefferson and Kenneth. Ildefonso A. Remo is married to Erlinda de Castro. Ildefonso’s children are Isabelo, Cristina, Ruel, Ronaldo, and Ma Celeste . Gabriel A. Remo is married to Eufenia Marasigan. Gabriel’s children are Jose Alvin, Carlo and Mariel. Pedro B. Arceo is married. Pedro’s children are Antonio and Teresita. Anunciacion B. Arceo is married to Jose Calayan Malantic. Anunciacion’s children are Salvacion(BBA), Cesar(medical doctor in NJ), Jaime (Mechanical Engineer), Zenaida (Commerse,, President of Filipinas Paints), Francisco (Commerce), Victor (Medical Technologist) and Jose (Accountant).Salvacion A. Malantic is married to Jose Angel LLana. Salvacion’s children are Milagros, Enrique Alberto, Roberto Nicolas, and Cristina Rosario. Milagros Lourdes M. Ilustre (nurse) is married to Melquiades Gonzaga Jr., of Dumaguete City. Milagros’ children are John Emmanuel and David Matthew. Enrique Alberto M. Ilustre, Electronic engr. In IBM- Philippines is married to Julieta Manacsa. Enrique Alberto’s children are Jayme, Albert Julian, and Jenna Anne. Roberto Nicolas M. Ilustre is married to Emery Ortiz. Cristina Rosario M. Ilustre (BBA) is married to Fernan Ferrer (BBA in Finance), with daughter Franz Josephine. Cesar A. Malantic is married to Vivina Corteza (medical doctor). Cesar’s children are Ann Valerie, Vivian Christy, Grace Paula and Cesar Joseph. Jaime A. Malantic is married to Casiana Caclon (doctor). Jaime’s children are Christine (civil engineer), Mia (medical doctor), Consolation (B.S. Psychology) and Julio Jose.Zenaida A. Malantic is married to Leoncio T. Barrameda Jr. (Chemical Engr.) Zenaida’s children are Samuel (Forestry, sales manager for Filipinas Paints), Arnel (Agriculture Economics and the VP of Filipinas), Ma. Razel (BBA), Leoncio Joel (Lawyer), Ma. Zenaida (Chemical Engineer) and Nicklaus. Samuel M. Barrameda is married to Nanette Germino with son Jose. Francisco A. Malantic (Commerse) is married to Zenaida Perez (BBA).Francisco’s children are Frances Abegail and Francisco Jr. Victor A. Malantic is married to Mila L. Magdamit. Victor’s children are David, Kavin and Alan. Jose A. Malantic Jr. is married to Deng Paras (BBA in Accounting). Jose’s children are Joseph and Roman.
Martiniana B. Arceo is married to Julio F. Calayan (works for Batangas Electric and Water Works). Martiniana’s children are Felicitas, Rodolfo, Domingo, Pablo, Teodoro, Jose, Ildefonsa, Frediswinda, Abraham, Rosene, Judith and Elizabeth. Felicitas A. Calayan is married to Francisco G. Cantos. Felicitas’s children are Frederick, Florante, Flordeliza, Francisco (BSC), and Felicidad (CPA). Frederick C. Cantos is married to Rhodora C. Ramos. Frederick’s children are Ereckson, Esmeralda, Fred James, Ryel Joseph and Jonathan. Flordeliza C. Cantos is married to Rodolfo V. Cordova, with daughter Ysabel. Rodolfo A. Calayan is married to Soledad Aguila. Rodolfo’s children are Ruperto, Raymund, Veronica, Rowenia, Ronald, Rustica and Rubyrosa. Domingo A. Calayan is married to Rosa Cortez. Domingo’s children are Joseph Albert, Julio, Jessie and Joanne. Pablo A. Calayan is married to Marina Atienza. Pablo’s children are Antonette(Industrial Engineer), Joselito (AB),Norberto, Jubel, Annaliza, Nilo, and Arleen. Antonette A. Calayan (Industrial Engineer) is married to Ruperto Pesigan (Civil Engineer). Antonette’s children are June Paul and Von Eubrey. Norberto A. Calayan is married to Chona Llayo. Norberto’s children are Mark Vicente and Mary Angelle. Teodoro A. Calayan, married to Antonina O. Cabitac. Teodoro’s children are Christia, Charlou and Charmaine. Jose A. Calayan married Letecia de Leon, with sons: Vincent and Jaybe. Ildefonsa A. Calayan married Jorge Araneta. Ildefonsa’s children are Maria Blanca, Ana Lea Marie, Ariel and Edwin Benedick. Frediswinda A. Calayan married Arnel Macandili. Fresiswinda’s children are Julius and Juliet. Abraham A. Calayan (Electrician) is married to Crisanta de Torres. Abraham’s children are Abelardo, Angelita, Julio, Bernard and Analiza. Rosene A. Calayan (Clerk of Supreme Court) married to Espiratu Lumansoc. Rosene’s children are Jowel, Allan, Anthony, Cherrylyn and Checklet. Judith A. Calayan (employed by the Philippine Port Authority in Batangas). Judith’s children are Romel, Nena and Carmencita. Elizabeth A. Calayan is married to Rolando Magnaye. Elizabeth’s children are Rolando Magnaye. Elizabeth’s children are Ronalaine, Joan, Jeniffer and Roland Fidel.
Antonio B. Arceo married Luis Avila Ona. Antonia’s children are Jose, Arturo, Emma, Nora, Bernadette, Luis, Leonardo and Luz. Jose A. Ona (Batangas Regional Hospital Administrator) is married to Paz Mia. Jose’s children are Michael, Roberto Roy, Francisco, Augustine, Maria Lea, Josaphat. Michael M. Ona is married to Leila G. Garcia (nurse), with son Michael. Arturo A. Ona is married to Teresita Quinio. Arturo’s children are Arturo, Rosa, and Elizabeth. Roberto Roy M. Ona is married to Meliza Almonte, with son Lauren Marie. Emma A. Ona is married to Nicasio Resurrection. Emma’s children are Antonnet, Dick, Eric, and Nino. Antonnet O. Resurreccion is married to Anacleto Gonzales. Antonnet’s children are Julius, Alouisius, and Ma. Soraya. Nora A. Ona, married Isagani Ronsayro (retired Naval Officer). Nora’s chidren are Ronnie and Daniel. Bernadette A. Ona (nurse), married Daniel Josue Miranda of Laguna. Bernadette’s children are Josue and Danielle. Luis A. Ona Jr. married Luzviminda Padios. Luis’ children are Luis III, and Marie Liezle. Leonardo A. Ona married Angelica Ballesteros of Cabanatuan City. Leonardo’s children are Leonardo, Vincent and Jean. Pablo B. Arceo married Luz Conda. Pablo’s children are Oscar, Ramon, Pablo, Lilia, Edgar (Councilor of Irosin, Sorsogon), Imelda, Dolores, Ma. Luiza and Claro. Oscar C. Arceo married Teresita Gabito of Irosin Sorsogon. Imelda C. Arceo married Jaime de Leon. Imelda’s children are Jeremy, Jacob, and Josanna. Dolores C. Arceo of Irosin, Sorsogon is married to Ato Lo of Rizal with daughter Diana Erica. Ma. Luiza C. Arceo of Irosin Sorsogon married; with children Paula Luz Arceo.
Ramon B. Arceo married Narcissa Lebumfacil of San Carlos, Negros Occidental. Ramon’s children are Roberto, Ricardo, Rosamar, Raphael, Rebecca and Rowena. Roberto L. Arceo, married Gloria Malata. Roberto’s children are John Raymond, Earl Gabriel and Rachel Ann. Efren A. Abag married Mila Tibayan. Efren’s children are Efranel and Robert. Allen A. Abag married Anecela Bisa. Allen’s chidren are June Byron, Angelico and Gerland. Pedro H. Arceo married Rosita Palomo. Gleceria H. Arceo married Clemerio Lontoc Abag. Gleceria’s children are Reynaldo, Lilia, George, Efren, Allen, Lorna, Nestor, Marivel, Cynthia and Marcidita. Lorna A. Abag married Fermin Bautista of Calapan Mindoro. Lorna’s children are Emerson, Ericson, Earlson and Eisele. Nestor A. Abag married Vira Catipay, with daughter Venessa. Marivel A. Abag is married to Democrito Curzat of San Pascual, Batangas. Marivel’s children are Ryan Jhyal, Richard Dean, and Madelyn Ronselle. Cynthia A. Abag married Ronilo Martinez, with daughter Maria Carmel. Benito H. Arceo are married to Nita Gaa of Calaca, Batangas. Benito’s children are Remedios, Alice, Benito, Charito, Orlina, Aldrin, Shela and Edgar. Roberto H. Arceo married Mely Aguirre. Roberto’s children are Boy and Gereline.
Cecilia P. Arceo married Victorino Robles. Cecilia’s children are Paz, Jose, Corazon, Juan and Josefa and Patrocinio. Paz A. Robles married Carlos Felizardo. Paz’ children are Carlos, Fermin, Cesar, Robert, Gilda and Myrna. Salome H. Arceo, married Rolando Endaya. Salome’s children are Liza, Rommel, Roderick and Ronaliza. Jose A. Robles married Apolonia A. Bauan. Jose’s children are Sonia, Susan and Jose. Sonia B. Robles married Joselito Cabuyang. Sonia’s children are Joselito and Jose. Susan B. Robles married Paul Laserna, with son Christopher. Juan A. Robles (chief Engineer at National Power), married Salvacio Adeva. Juan’s children are Dolores, Jocelyn, Teresa, Victoria, Juan, Ma. Cecilia, Ruel and Reggie. Josefa A. Robles is married to Venerando B. Briones (lawyer). Josefa’s children are Carmencita, Luisa, Isabelita, Venerando, Jose Oliver, Alan, Cecilia Ursula, Victorino Cristito. Ma. Luisa R. Briones is married, with children: Anthony and Erica. Cecilia Ursula R. Briones is married to unknown, with son, David Ben. Andres Arceo is married, with sons Eusebio and Macario. (Arceo 1993: all)


Don Alejo Acosta, gobernadorcillio in the 1880’s, a rice dealer and planter is married to Gabriela Xavier Salandanan from Laguna. He built a mansion at the forested edge of town in 1883. A venue for large assemblies, it had a grand staircase. The house, inherited by his granddaughter, Concha, is now known as the Acosta-Pastor house since she married a Pastor. It is one of the best-preserved houses in the entire province, where by-gone traditions and lifestyles are maintained.
Alejo Acosta delivered a large shipment of rice to the Filipino forces. (May 1993: 196)
Don Alejo Acosta (born on July 17, 1833 and died on February 27, 1905), whose father Catalino delos Santos and mother Inocencia Baliuag is married to Gabriel Xavier Salandanan (born about 1835 and died December 1893). Dona Gabriela’s parents are Mariano Salandanan and Fausta Xavier. Don Alejo’s children are Rafael, Julian (Julian’s existence is still for confirmation), Juana, Ana, Gaspar, and Doroteo. Juana married Sixto Siangco Francisco, July 26, 1885. Doroteo, had Leoncia Babasa Quinio as his first wife and Josefa Tolentino, second wife; they got married on March 7, 1924. Doroteo’s children are Jose Timoteo Gabriel, Jose Maria, Brigida Conception(her decendants with her husband were included in the family tree of the Pastor), Vicente Teodora, and Pedro Yldefonso. (Birth Certificate and marriage certificate)
Even if the present generation of the families mentioned finds such names as unfamiliar-sounding, still an intrinsic feeling of belonging still swells up, a deep sense of kinship abides for unmistakably, they are ancestors and forebears buried in cherished resting ground which is both physical and spiritual homeland to the Batangueño clan.


Melchor Babasa was one of the wealthiest men in Batangas. (May 1993:p 191)
Jose Babasa, landlord during the 1900, went to Manila after the harvest to sell their sugar, and local merchants also went there to buy goods and transact other business.(May 1993: 186). Jose Babasa’s descendant are still to be completed.
The Babasas are descended from Melchor Babasa who married Escolastica Cantos. Melchor was gobernadorcillo and made enough in rice trading to build a large house in the 1870’s. The house, which still stands today, was designed by the same maestro carpintero who built the nearby church. By the 1890’s, he was one of the wealthiest men in town and owned rental properties in Manila. Active during the revolution and Philippine-American war, he supplied and aided Filipino troops.
Silvestre Borbon was prosperous land owner from barrio of Mahabang Dahilig. (May 1993: 197). Due to time constraint the Researcher, was not able to establish the connection of Silvestre and Jose Babasa.


The Borbons are descended from Don Felipe Borbon, a seminarian from Manila. One day, while assisting at Mass as a deacon in Quiapo church, he saw Alfonsa Zamora and got attracted to her. It was love at first sight. After mass, he followed her home and started courting. He eventually married her.
Returning to Batangas, he made a fortune in rice trading and shipping. By the 1870’s, he had built a large house with a dining table so long,that it had to have four ceiling punkas equidistantly placed over it to help drive flies away. Proceeds from transactions were brought in by special boat. Bags of silver would be hauled to his house and their contents would be poured into the aljibe or cistern. The coins were scrubbed annually, then laid out on mats in the azotea to dry under the sun. Grandchildren were tasked with stirring the coins to ensure that they all dried. Felipe’s eldest son, Domingo, married a Tambunting of Manila and was notable for refusing the post of gobernadorcillo for the years 1889-1891. Another son, Moises Felipe, was a priest and a member of the revolutionary clergy.
Andrea was Felipe’s eldest daughter. She married an Umali from Lipa. Their daughter, Mercedes, was courted by Claro M. Recto but married Honorio Poblador of Pototan, Iloilo. They had two sons: Honorio Jr., who married Elsa Alunan of Negros, and banker Horacio. Felipe’s second daughter, Soledad, married Exequiel Castillo of Tanauan who figured in a shooting incident that included a furious Jose P. Laurel, his rival for a Tanauan belle. Another daughter, Benita, married Lorenzo Santos of Manila who was the first cousin of Nicanor Reyes.
Felipe’s youngest son Pablo Borbon was governor (1910-1916), congressman (1916-1919), and judge at the Court of First Instance in Laguna, Tayabas, and Albay Districts. He married Rufina Mayo of Lipa, then Manuela Lim of Batangas town. Pablo’s daughter, Remedios, married Dr. Godofredo Rosales, son of Anastacio Rosales (gobernadorcillo, 1887-1891). Monsignor Gaudencio Rosales, archbishop of Manila, is Remedio’s son. Pablo’s son Alfredo, became mayor of Batangas City in 1979 and died in office. Pablo’s granddaughter Cynthia Borbon married Dr. Ramon Pastor.
Don Felipe Borbon’s brother, Basilio Borbon, had only one son, Fortunato. Furtunato was one of the first graduates of the Philippine Constabulary Academy (now the Philippine Military Academy). Fortunato was Batangas military governor in 1945. Fortunato’s daughter, Maria Cristina married Expedito Malvar Leviste, the only child of long-time Batangas governor Feliciano Leviste.


The Caedos are descended from Florencio Caedo, Chinese moneyleader who became an assemblyman in 1909. He married Justina Borbon, Don Felipe Borbon’s niece. Their sons include Jose and Vicente. Jose a doctor and founder Batangas Medical Society, was acting mayor in the early part of the Liberation. His son, Dr. Jose Caedo, Jr., headed the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Hospital during the Marcos era. He married Cristina Galang, Miss Philippines in the 1960s. Vicente Caedo was Batangas governor (1937-1940).
Florencio Caedo, a bureaucrat who had come back to town immediately after the arrival of the Americans.The first residents of Batangas City joined the Federal Party, and later rewarded with positions in the provincial bureaucracy. (May 1993: 204)


The Llanas are descended from Martin Llana who married Antonia Quinio. Their son, Marcelo (gobernadorcillo, 1892) was a businessman. He accumulated land including two thousand hectares in San Juan, Batangas alone; it is said that he owned half of Lobo. He had thirteen children. One of his daughters, Maria, married Rafael Palacios. Another daughter, Carmen, married Angel Arguelles. Still another daughter, Popula, married Eustacio Ilustre.
The Luansings are descended from Monico Luansing who married Eugenia Cantos. Their grandchildren vividly remember Eugenia because she used to hang real fruits like apples, pears, oranges, and grapes on her Christmas tree. Their son Alejandro married Ramona Javier, “Siring” Sonia, who married former governor Vicente Mayo. Another son of Monico and Eugenia, Galicano married Iluminada Musngi of San Antonio, Nueva Ecija. They had thirteen children; among them Ellen, Alejandro, Ella, and Galicano Jr. The eldest daughter, Ellen married Eric Nubla, of Philippine Bank of Communications. Alejandro, a colonel, organized the Metro Manila Develoment Authority. Ella, was a dramatic actress who married Rolando Tinio, poet, playwright, and director. Another son, Colonel Galicano Luansing, Jr., was a World War II guerilla leader in Batangas.


The Luna of Batangas City are descendants of Benedicto Luna whose name was mentioned by Jose Rizal in the first chapter of Noli Me Tangere. According to Nick Joaquin, Luna was born in Tanuan in the 1830’s. Benedicto Luna married Bernabela Rufino, sister of Macario Rufino, a Bangueño who emigrated to Malabon and whose descendants established a movie theater chain.
One of Benedicto and Bernabela’s sons, Remigio Luna, settled in batangas town. He established pawnshops in Batangas and Tayabas provinces. Although disorganized, he became quite rich. Remigio kept records for his lending operations on the back of an aparador door. Faced with a lawsuit, he simply took the door off its hinges, lugged it to court, presented it to the judge as evidence, and won the case! He married Rafaela dinglasan, a Batangueña whose brother emigrated to Capiz and founded the Dinglasan clan there. Kind-hearted, Remigio allowed women to take pawned jewelry out to wear for the fiesta, even without paying the loans. Of course, many of them did not bother to return the pieces afterwards. He used to go around dispensing pills and prescriptions to whoever was suffering from any ailment. Once, he went to a barrio with his daughter, a doctor. The townspeople lined up before him and insisted that he,and not his doctor daughter, should examine them. Such was their faith.
Remigio and Rafaela had several daughters: Severina, Manuela, Francisca, and Consuelo; and two sons: Maximino and Esteban. Severina, the valedictorian at the U.P. School of Medicine in 1914, married her classmate, Dr. Sixto Orosa of Taal. Manuela was the second wife of Don Pablo Borbon. Francisca married her first cousin Benidicto Luna. Consuelo married Dr. Narciso Cordero from Pansanjan; their daughter Gilda Cordero, noted writer and publisher, married President Aquino’s Energy secretary, Marcelo Fernando of Bulacan. Maximino married his first cousin, Felicidad Arenas. Esteban married Mariquita Alegre.
Benedicto and Bernabela Luna’s other son migrated to Malabon and had a son named after grandfather Benedicto, as well as two daughters, Virginia and Felicidad. Grandson Benedicto Luna married his first cousin, Francisca Luna, the daughter of Don Remigio. Benidicto and Francisca’s daughter, Clarita, married Federico Santos while Benedicto’s younger sister, Felicidad, married Judge Arsenio Santos of Malabon (not related to the Navotas Santoses). Their son, Mario Luna Santos, married his first cousin, Alicia Luna Santos, daughter of Augusto and Virginia.

The past
The following is a compilation of famous families in Batangas except Batangas City, from the past as per data available. The families were identified by city or municipality.

Santo Tomas

The first Batangas town on the road from Manila is Santo Tomas. Among the prominent families of the town are the Malvars. They are originally from Batac, Ilocos Norte and are related to the Vers. The Batangas Malvars trace their ancestry to Maximo Malvar who married Tiburcio Carpio. Their son Miguel (gobernadorcillo, 1892- 1894) married Paula Maloles of the town’s original principalia. Miguel profited from the location of Santo Tomas between Calamba, Laguna and Tanauan, Batangas. He became the industrial partner of Saturnina Rizal. Hidalgo, Jose Rizal’s eldest sister, lent Malvar P 1 000(P500 000.00 today) to buy and sell products. Even Don Carlos Palanca lent him large sums without collateral to invest in sugar tradings. Profits were invested in lands in Santo Tomas and the foothills of Mount Makiling. He pioneered the planting and propagation of native oranges or dalanghita. The Malvar variety was named after him.
Disenchanted with Spanish intervention in local politics, he became a revolutionary, achieving the rank of general and finally assuming the residency after Aguinaldo surrendered. Malvar himself surrendered in 1906 and devoted the rest of his life to agriculture. Miguel’s children are Aurelia, Paula, Bernabe, Crispina, Isabela, Luz, Mariquita, Miguel Jr., and Pablo.
Miguel Jr. (Mimo or Pinkit) was Batangas governor(1941-1945) who married the sister of writer Celso Carunungan. Miguel Jr.’s sister, Aurelia married Feliciano Leviste. Batangas governor for generation.
Bernabe married an Arguelles, the grand nephew of Jose Rizal. Crispina married Bibiano Meer. Luz married Aproniano Castilio, the uncle of La Salle’s Exaltacion Castillo Ramos.
Isabela married Dr. Jose Villegas. Their son, Bernardo, a writer and economist, helped found Opus Dei in the country. Jose Jr. is a labor leader and politician. Edberto is an activist and a U.P. Manila professor.
According to Bernado M. Villegas, at present the only surviving child of General Miguel is Dr. Isabel Malvar Villegas, ninety-five years old (95) . Malvar had eleven child with his wife Paula Maldes.(Villegas 2004: 11 and B-11)
Miguel ‘s brother, Potenciano Malvar, became a doctor and married Eusebia Fule of San Pablo. They built the landmark, “bahay na puti”, in the town, the only house not torched when the Japanese left. The carved chrysanthemums decorating its ceilings made it worthy as the Emperor’s Shine; the house escaped destruction. The childless couple adopted Nene, who married Congressman Roque of Bulacan. Nene’s daughter, Evie, married Johnny Salvador whose mother is a Laperal. Nene’s son, Chito is a renowned gamester who married Lucy Padilla, daughter of Lily de las Alas.
The Maloles family traces their roots from Ambrocio Maloles, capitan municipal in the late nineteenth century. He had a daughter, Paula, and son, Eustacio. Paula married General Miguel Malvar. Eustacio married Crispina Chavez; among Eustacio and Crispina’s children were Eustacio Jr., Crispina, Cesar, and Octavio.
Dr. Eustacio Maloles, Jr. married Soledad Villegas, first cousin of Dr. Jose Villegas, husband of Miguel Malvar’s daughter, Isabel. Crispina married Tayabas congressman Vilar. Octavio, who studied in Vienna, and who became ambassador to Mexico, married Alicia de Santos, who owned vast lands in Nueva Ecija and was a major financier of the Philippine Revolution.
Marcelino Villegas, the town’s president during the height of the Philippine- American war, helped the our revolutionaries, led by Malvar. He was related to Felipe Villegas, who married Apolonia Angeles of Sarrat, Ilocos Norte where the Malvars also trace their roots. Felipe’s youngest and only daughter, Eusebia, was a spinster; his sons were Eustaquio, Jose and Rosendo. Eustaquio married Remedios Villanueva of Calamba; one of their children started the manufacturing of Fila sportswear in the country. Jose, a doctor, worked with the Health Department and married Isabela Malvar. Rosendo married Iluminada Nazareth of Tanauan and Talasay.

Tanauan City
The next town is Tanauan City. The town’s prosperity was due to the industriousness of its inhabitants who, according to Sastron in 1895, still next only to Taalenos in industry. Tanauan’s farmers produced cash crops sent to Manila by way of Calamba.
The Ansaldos are the oldest prominent family although they are now thought to be from Negros. The patriarch was probably a Spaniard who was among the first to use iron-tipped plows drawn by two oxen. His agricultural ventures paid off and he was able to acquire large tracts of land in Tanuan and engage in other profitable enterprises. By 1790 he had become so rich that even Fr. Andres de Castro, the Augustinian friar who visited him, was astounded to see that his entire table service, including plates, was of solid silver! Later generations of the family eventually ended up in Manila as absentee landlords living in Intramuros.
Among his descendants is the prioress of Assumption Convent who oversaw the transfer of the Ermita campus to Antipolo. Her brother, Jose Ansaldo, is a champion tennis player and a stockbroker who married Margarita Wittaker, daughter of the First Philippine Trust president. Jose’s son, Roberto, was Agriculture undersecretary under Ramos. His daughter, Margarita Ansaldo, married Jesus Tambunting, the former ambassador to the Court of St. James. Another, daughter, Mary Ann, married Jose Mari Chan, the sugar tycoon and well known composer.
The Almedas are descended from Ponciano Almeda, originally from Pateros, Rizal. A sugar trader, he married Severina Trinidad who had sugar lands in Tanauan. Ponciano was very enterprising, establishing the first bakery there during the Spanish period. He went into copra trading in the early 1900s. His sons are Felipe, Domingo, and Dominador.
Felipe was among the first graduates from the U.P. School of Medicine in 1912. The obstetrician Domingo married a Fule of San Pablo; his son Melecio migrated to Australia. Dominador migrated to Bicol after graduation and established a practice in Naga together with his pharmacist wife; their son Emmaneual is a noted eye doctor in Manila.
Ponciano’s daughters married contractors. Fredeswina married David Consunji from Dinalupihan, Bataan. Angelita married Felipe F. Cruz from Angat, Bulacan; their son, Philip Cruz Jr., who now construction company, was the first husband of Gina Vera-Perez. Felipe is also the father of American fashion magnate Josie Cruz Natori.
The Laurels are descended from Mariano Laurel whose son Sotero was a classmate of Felipe Agoncillo at U.S.T. Sotero was the first lawyer in Tanuan, a colonel during the Revolution, delegate to the Malolos Congress, and Aguinaldo’s Interior secretary. He married Jacoba Garcia and their descendants are now the town’s most prominent families. Sotero’s son Jose Ponciano Laurel got his doctorate in Civil Laws from Yale in 1920. In 1922, he became Interior secretary. He became a senator (1925, 1928). He was a presiding officer of the 1935 Constitutional convention, associate justice of the Supreme Court in 1936, chief justice in 1941, justice and then Interior commissioner (1942-1943). In 1943, he became president of the Republic. He was a postwar senator. In 1952, he found Lyceum and the Philippines Banking Corporation in 1957. He died in 1959. He married Paciencia Hidalgo. Their sons were Jose Jr., Jose III, Mariano, Sotero, Salvador, and Arsenio “Dojie”.
Jose B. Laurel, Jr. was a congressman (1941-1957, 1962, become the Speaker from 1966-1971). His son, Jose Macario IV, became a congressman.Jose Jr.’s daughter, Lally, was also elected to Congress (1987-1998). She married Noel “Kokoy” Trinidad.
Jose Laurel III, former ambassador to Tokyo, married Betty Castilo, was governor (1980 to 1988) and the father of Rajo laurel, a popular young couturier.
Sotero Laurel became a senator in 1987. He married Lorna Perez, niece of Speaker Eugenio Perez.
Salvador was Aquino’s vice president from 1986. He married Celia Diaz of the Locsin clan, Bicol branch. Celia Laurel is a stage actress and their eldest son, Cocoy, has appeared in theater productions abroad.
Mariano Laurel is the chairman of Philbanking Corporation. He married Alice Yulo.
Rosendo “Rosie” Laurel married Jesus Avancena, head of Development Bank of the Philippine’s legal department, and the son of a chief justice who was Nini Quezon’s brother in law.
Potenciana Laurel married Gary Yupangco of the piano-manufacturing family.
Tanauan also has Castillos. Former Batangas governor Modesto Castillio was the father of Carmelite novice Teresita Castillo, who along with first cousin Leon Garcia migrated to Davao City and became very successful. Leon later became Davao mayor. Both married into the Monteverde family. Castillo’s sister is the mother of Davao congressman Boy Nograles. Leon’s daughter, Inday, married a del Rosario, another propertied Davao family.
A second cousin of Governor Castillo was Gorgonio Nazareth, married to an Opulencia, who opened a plateria on the ground floor of his house near the plaza. His son, Felino Nazareth, married Senedela Malabanan of Talisay.


The Malabanans of Talisay are descended from Nicolas Malabanan, a first cousin of Dona Matilde Martinez and related to the Inumerables. He married Maria Asuncion Luna, daughter of Sergio Luna who was probably a close relative if not a brother of the elder Benedicto Luna. Maria Asuncio Luna’s mother was a Hernandez of San Jose, Batangas, the daughter of Captain Mauricio Hernandez whose second wife was Petra Ortilla of Taal.
Hernandez-Luna-Malabanan land stretched from Talissay to Tagaytay ridge. Most of the trail from the lakeshore through Mount Sungay, which Aguinaldo used to flee from Cavite and Batangas into Laguna, went through their property. Malabanan was capitan municipal during the Revolution, a difficult position because Spanish forces, waiting to rush Silang’s trenches on the ridge, garrisone, themselves in Talisay.
Among his children are several sons and two daughters, Valentina and Senedela. Nicolas and Maria Asuncion died young and the zona or hamletting tactic of the Americans made agriculture or pasturage impossible. Astute Valentina took over the family finances, engaging in the textile, garment, and jewelry trades to augment income. Hardly had they recovered when the volcano erupted in 1911. Somehow the family survived. Valentina married, went with her groom to his house, but returned to her home next morning, never to go back except for his funeral. Neither she nor her husband ever offered any explanation.
Senedela married Feliciano Nazareth of Tanauan and had only one child, Iluminada, who married Rosendo Villegas of Santo Tomas. Iluminada started Capricci, a gallery associated with antique jewelry. Her children Redenta, Ramon, Imelda, and Rosendo Jr. are fourth generation jewelers.
A first cousin of Senedela Malabanan through the Lunas married her Talisay townmate Wenceslao Trinidad, executive secretary of Manuel Quezon. His daughter Nena married Padro; among their children are Jose Pardo, cabinet member under Corazon Aquino and Joseph Estrada, and Baby Padro Paterno, wife of Vicente Paterno, also Secretary of Trade under Corazon Aquino. Another Trinidad descendant is Wenceslao “Peewee” Trinidad, incumbent mayor of Pasay City.

Malvar, formed out of parts of other towns but principally from a barrio of Lipa, was the birthplace of the Levistes (originally Labiste). They became prominent because of their long hold on provincial politics. Feliciano “SANOY” leviste became governor in 1948 and served until his death in 1971, an unprecedented feat in Philippine political history. He rebuilt the provincial capitol and governor’s mansion, which he kept open to rich and poor alike. He married AURELIA Malvar of Tanauan, who was affectionately called “Barracuda” by the populace. He and his wife would send whole lechon to large gatherings.Their only son, Expedito (congressman, 1969-1973), married Cristina Borbon of Batangas City.
The political mantle was carried on by Expedito’s cousin, Antonio Leviste (governor, 1972-1980). His generation made fortunes in real estate, with Levitown subdivisions and condominium buildings. Tony Leviste was formerly married to a Sarangaya, the developers of White Plains in Quezon City. He is married to broadcaster and senator Loren Legarda, now separated. He was the campaign manager of Miriam Defensor Santiago.

Lipa City

Lipa’s golden age was in the late nineteenth century when, for a short time, the town was the center of coffee cultivation in the world. Some of the town’s families were among the countries wealthiest. Lipenos were known for intermarrying among themselves, not so much to keep wealth within the family, but because parents did not want to marry people who were not from Lipa. There is a very high incidence of marrying first cousins, particularly among the Katigbak, Luz, Roxas, Kalaw, and Dimayuga clans. Intermarriages continue, as in case of Armando Katigbak Katigbak marrying Lourdes Katigbak Katigbak.
The Aguileras are descended from a Spaniard, Julian Aguilera, and a Tagala, Fabiana de la Cruz. Their son, Gregorio, married Maria Solis, their son, also named Gregorio, studied in Spain with his first cousin, Lauro Dimayuga, and fellow Lipeno Baldomero Roxas. Part of a group called los indios bravos, Gregorio Solis Aguilera was active during the Revolution and a member of the Malolos Congress. To discourage Lipenos from aiding General Malvar during the Philippine- American War, Americans imprisoned Gregorio and around seven hundred townsfolk, accusing them of hiding fifty rifles, a ploy for justifying arbitrary arrest. Wealthy men were forced by the Americans to work in the streets to humiliate them. Those who owned summerhouses in Balete were each given a can of kerosene, forced to march the ten kilometer distance to the barrio, and ordered to set fire to their own houses! Prisoners were only released after they surrendered fifty rifles, which their families had to buy in the black market. Gregorio Aguilera Solis (president municipal, 1902-1903 and Batangas governor, 1904-1907), married his first cousin Rosenda Solis Katigbak. They had no children.
The Spanish mestizo Celestino Solis founded the Solis clan, the most aristocratic family in Lipa, if not the whole province. He was considered the richest man in Lipa in his time (gobernadorcillo, 1843, 1848 , 1860-1861). He has been married thrice, first to Patricia Metra (old spelling of Mitra), then to her sister Jacoba. The name of his third wife is not known. Patricia’s eldest daughter, Justa, married Norberto Catigbac. Their daughter was Segunda, with whom Jose Rizal was romantically linked. Another daughter, Maria, married Gregorio Aguilera. Jacoba had several daughters, Maria, married Gregorio Aguilera. Jacoba had several daughters: Salvador, Germana, Catalina, Marcelina, Filomena, and one son, Bernardo. Both Celestino and his son’s children are mostly girls, so the Solis Family name is almost extinct in Lipa today.
Salvadora married Toribio Catigbac, the coffee king of Lipa. She loved diamonds and was one of the few women in Lipa whose slippers were encrusted with precious gems. For grand bailes, very fine, long golden pins with dangling, diamond-studded pendants decorated the embroidered pina sleeves of her traje de mestiza blouse, turning her every movement into a shimmering display as she danced her way around the ballroom floor! Even her fan was studded with diamonds to catch and throw back sparkling light with every movement of her hand.
Germana married Dr. Jose Lozada (governor, 1907-1908), one of Lipa’s first doctors. His profession assured him of wealth and privilege. Their house in Lipa was famous for its stairway with gilt bronze balusters. When the Luna brothers came to Lipa in the 1890s to solicit contributions for the nationalist cause, the Lozada couple housed them in a nipa-shingled guesthouse set in an orchard at the back of the main house. The walls were of woven sawali and the floors of split bamboo, but the bahay kubo was luxuriously appointed with crystal chandeliers, gilded mirrors, Persian carpets, and blackamoors! The following day, the guests were awakened for breakfast by string orchestra! In gratitude for the financial contribution and hospitality, the Lunas gifted their hosts with a fine pair of large, gilded Satsuma vases, which still exist today. The Lozadas had only one child, Consuelo, who married Reynaldo Lardizabal, son of the first Filipino governor of Marinduque. Consuelo and Reynaldo had two sons, Reynaldo Jr. and Jose. Jose was active in performing arts. He was the artistic director of the Bayanihan Dance Troupe and was with the Cultural Center of the Philippines during the Marcos era.
Catalina Solis married an Aguilera and owned the largest house in Lipa, with a vast dining room that could seat eighty guests! Dinners were always the talk of the town as the entire table service, including the plates and lechon-sized platters were of solid silver! The cutlery (like the birdcage for her pet canary) was said to have been made of solid gold. All her children died young so she bequeathed her mansion to the Church, to be used as a diocesan residence. The house was destroyed in the American bombing of Lipa.
Marcelina married Juan Olaguivel, son of Nicolas Olaguivel, the richest merchant in the Cebu Parian in 1830s. Juan’s son, named Nicolas after his grandfather, married his first cousin, Salustia Africa Solis. After the coffee boom, he engaged in sugar farming with disastrous results.He bought machinery on borrowed money, but no one knew how to maintain the machines. Consequently, they were as good as junk and the cane harvest could not be processed. Aside from that, rinderpest killed practically all carabaos and cattle in the country, so the harvest could not be brought to other mills. To top it off, sugar prices collapsed with the discovery of beef sugar. Shortly before World War II, he engaged in abaca trading, buying hemp from Bicol and selling it to sinamay weavers and rope-makers of Batangas. But naval blockages from 1914 to 1918 prevented the export of abaca, resulting in a glut. Local prices plummeted.
Faced with business reverses, Nicolas disposed of many of his wife’s treasured objects to save mortgaged lands. Jewels, rosaries, and missals made of precious materials were sold to pay off debts. In spite of everything, his wife remained the richest woman in Lipa. During the Commonwealth era, she was a member of Quezon’s kitchen cabinet.
Their only son Heleno Olaquivel was an opera singer who performed in Rigoletto and other operas in pre-war Metropolitan Theater. He later became a secular priest. Heleno’s sister, Criselda, married Alberto Katigbak, whose mother, Conchita Luz, was the half sister of Manuel Luz, the husband of Segunda Katigbak. Alberto was a career diplomat. He was ambassador to the Vatican and protocol officer of Foreign Affairs. One of his sons is “shoesmith” Mario Katigbak, now the distributor of Bulgari in Manila. Gilda, his eldest daughter married Ramon Benedicto, nephew of Marcos sugar czar Roberto Benedicto.
Celestino Solis’s only son, Bernardo Solis (gobernadorcillo, 1881-1882, 1894-1895), married Guillerma Africa. They maintained a European lifestyle and reportedly dined off golden plates and cutlery on special occasions. He insisted that all meals be served formally. Diners were serenaded by a pianist and a soprano in residence. Siesta followed lunch. All were lulled to sleep by a pianist who only stopped playing when his patrons fell asleep.
In 1880, Bernardo went to see the Paris Exposition, for which the Eiffel tower was built. There, he went on a shopping spree, buying furniture, gilded mirrors, bronzes, statuary, porcelain, silver, and other luxury items. He even bought an entire mirrored wall of the Brazillian Pavilion on which the story of coffee was painted in reverse! They say he had to chater a ship to bring home all his purchases.
In Paris, he told his wife to wear her biggest diamonds to the opera. They were so huge that they made her uncomfortable. Midway through the performance, she started removing them, one piece at a time, until all her jewels were resting on her lap.
After returning to Lipa, while arranging their French purchases, Guillerma slipped on the highly polished floor. The next day, Bernardo ordered Persian carpets for the entire house, beginning from the bottom of the staircase to the bedrooms above!
Bernardo and Guillerma’s children include Amanda, Salustia, Filomena, Rosario, Bernado Jr., and Jose. The eldest, Amada, married Herminio de Silva; she inherited her father’s gold set, which survived World War II. Salustia married her first cousin, Nicolas Solis Olaguivel. Dona Salustia’s hair was so long that it literally swept the floor. Everyday, after her morning bath, her tresses were spread out over the pasamano of her bedroom to dry. Inside her etui made of carved ivory was fitted a sewing kit – scissors, thimble, needle-case, and spools – all of solid gold. She wrote her letters with a golden feather flecked with diamonds. She was so sentimental that when her mother died, the only thing she wanted was her mother’s favorite pina handkerchief.
Filomena married Catalino Dimayuga. Their son, Lauro Dimayuga, was entrusted as teenager to Jose Rizal who personally supervised his studies in Madrid. One of the indios bravos, Lauro was chosen to challenge to a duel Wenceslao Retano, who had written disparaging remarks against Filipinos. For this, Dimayuga earned the sobriquet “The Fearless Batangueno”. Active in the propaganda movement, he was twenty-two years old when he was arrested by the Spaniards upon discovery of the Katipunan. He was imprisoned in the Batangas provincial jail and subsequently executed without trial.
Rosario, the youngest daughter, married Jose Lopez of Balayan. Bernardo Jr. married heiress Leandra Espinoza of Sariaya, Tayabas. As a custom, the wedding had to be held in the bride’s hometown. Sariaya was known for livestock and rustlers. In order to encourage the Lipenos to attend the festivities, the fiancee’s family said, “Come to Sariaya, and you will see our streets filled with carabaos.” To this, the Lipenos countered, “Come to Lipa, and you will see our streets paved with silver!” Bernardo Jr. contributed to the Lipa newspaper Columnas Volantes and to the leading Manila Spanish broadsheet, La Vanguardia. Bernardo Jr. and Leandra had three children, all named after their favorite operas by Wagner and St.Saens: Isolde, Samson, and Dalila.
Samson wanted to become a Jesuit, but his mother refused to let him, which she later regretted. Drafted when the Japenese invaded, his mother asked Mrs. Quezon to have him recalled from Bataan, but Samson refused to leave his post. Brought up like a prince, he could not cope with the rigors of the battlefield and he perished in Bataan. Had he lived, he might have wedded his long-time sweetheart, Gliceria Dimaano Rustia, who eventually married Bienvenido Tantoco of Malolos, with whom she founded Rustan’s.
Dalila married Dr. Cayetano Oca, brother of assassinated labor leader Roberto Oca. Their son, Brother Bernard Oca, F.S.C. is currently president of La Salle Greenhills.Bernardo and Guillerma’s youngest son, Jose, married Miguela Subol, daughter of one of their katiwalas.
The large Katigbak clan is so prolific that their names have become synonymous with Lipa. Josef Catigbac (original spelling) (gobernadorcillo, 1827) married Andrea Calao. They had three sons: Cayetano, Norberto, and Leon.
Cayetano was a mere mag-aaro or plowman but he was hardworking. He married Fausta Tapia who owned large tracts of undeveloped land, which were all cultivated by the time she died. They had three children: Toribio, Leoncia, and Maria. When Cayetano remarried, the children transferred their mother’s properties to their names.
Toribio (president municipal, 1901-1902), said to be the richest person in town during the coffee boom, married Salvadora Solis. Of their four children, only Macaria Solis Katigbak had heirs. She married Perfecto Salas of Molo, Iloilo, a law partner of Rafael Palma. They had two sons and one daughter, Adela. Adela’s mother and brothers died during the liberation of Manila. Their estate was divided between her and a nephew. She was so rich that from just the proceeds of molasses – by-product of the sugar harvest – she could travel around the world annually.
Josef Catigbac’s second son, Norberto (gobernadorcillo, 1862) married Justa Solis. Their eldest son, Mariano Solis Katigbak (gobernadorcillo, 1896-1897), was Jose Rizal’s classmate at Ateneo. He married Rosario Luz, half sister of Manuel Luz, his brother in law.
Segunda Solis Katigbak was Jose Rizal’s first sweetheart and probably the best known of her clan. While studying at Colegio de la Concordia in Santa Ana, her classmate, Olimpia Rizal, invited her to party where she met Jose. Smitten, Rizal showered the fourteen-year-old lass with flowers, poems, and sketches. Hearing of his infatuation, Segunda’s disapproving parents hurriedly brought her back to Lipa, even tearing up her pencil portrait by Rizal. Subsequent letters from him were also destroyed. Aside from not being Lipeno, his parents were mere inquilinos or lessors in the Dominican Hacienda de Calamba. At sixteen, Segunda was married off to Manuel Luz, a wealthy planter and close relative. Rizal never forgot her, visiting Segunda several times in Lipa. He even played chess with her husband and, when he lost said, “I not only lost the game, but my heart, as well.”
Leon Katigbak, Segunda’s half brother, had two children by Pacita Luz Roxas whose mother, Alejandra, was the eldest sister of Manuel Luz. Leon’s only daughter, Imelda Roxas Katigbak, married Aurelio Dayrit of San Fernando, Pampanga. One of their daughters, Carmen (Menchu), married a nephew of Senator Ambrosio Padilla. She headed the National Commission for Culture and the Arts under Presidents Aquinio and Ramos.
Leon’s only son, Jose Roxas Katigbak, married Maria Kalaw, daughter of Teodoro M. Kalaw. They had four children:Marinella, Pinky, Purisima, and Norberto. Marinella married Armand Fabella of Pagsanjan whose family owns Jose Rizal College in Manila. He was Education secretary during the Ramos administration.
Andrea and Josef’s third son was Lino Catigbac (gobernadorcillo, 1869-1870) who married thrice.
The propertied and cultured Luzes lived quietly and maintained a low profile. The family produced painters, sculptors, musicians, scholars, and writers in every generation. They were descended from Jose de San Miguel Luz and Gertrudes Metra, probably the sister-in-law of Celestino Solis. Jose Luz (gobernadorcillo, 1854,1866) was a Tagalog poet and prominent planter. Their sons were Simeon and Manuel.
Simeon (gobernadorcillo, 1879-1880; first elected governor, 1903-1904) had two daughters, Maria and Teofila, who married Norberto Jr. and Jose Katigbak respectively. Their husbands were the brothers of Segunda, their aunt-in-law. Maria and Teofila’s uncle, Manuel, married Segunda Katigbak, and had nine children by her. Every evening, after dinner, the whole family would gather in the sala for a concert with everyone singing or performing on a different instrument. Among the nine children were Arsenio, Paz, Justa, and Valeriano. Arsenio Luz was a businessman and writer. He wrote for El Renacimiento and was managing editor of Philippines Herald in 1922; managed the first sweepstakes in 1933; and became the first Filipino president of the Rotary Club. He married his cousin, Amparo Katigbak. Their daughter, Amparito, married Serafin Cui of Cebu. Amparito’s son, Serafin Cui Jr., was city administrator of Manila under the Bagatsing administration.
Paz Katigbak Luz was married young to Pablo Dimayuga, the first pharmacist in Lipa. After her husband’s death, Paz was taken back by her mother Segunda, who housed her and her children in the old house. It is one of only five colonial period houses left in Lipa today.
Justa Katigbak Luz married another cousin, Dr. Isabelo Katigbak, one of the first Lipenos to graduate from the U.P. School of Medicine. Isabelo’s practice was so successful that his best friend, another doctor, murdered him in a fit of professional jealousy and subsequently committed suicide after arrest. Justa’s granddaughter of the same name married a Tantoco of Malolos. She was with the office of former first Lady Loi Ejercito.
Valeriano Katigbak Luz married Rosario Dimayuga, one of the first female architects in the country. She was the doyenne of Philippine interior designers and did many beautiful houses before and after World War II. Valeriano’s children included Vicenta, Alfredo, and Arturo. Vicenta married Carlos Cosculluela of Negros; their son, Ricardo, married the daughter of Imelda Marcos’s close friend, jeweler Liding Oledan; Rafael became Negros Occidental governor in1998. Valeriano’s eldest son, architect Alfredo, trained under Frank Lloyd Wright and was close to John D. Rockefeller; he designed the regional World Health Organization (WHO) building, the Magsaysay Center, and the Los Banos International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) complex. Arturo Luz, National Artist and gallery owner, married Tessie Ojeda; one of their daughters, Paola, was a well-known pop singer who died quite young from cancer.
The Kalaw, Malabanan, Mayo, and Roxas clans were not flamboyantly wealthy, but they possessed brains.
The Kalaws are descended from Luis Calao (Spanish era spelling) (gobernadorcillo, 1821), who married YLdefonsa Aguila. Their youngest daughter, Andrea, married Josef Catigbac.Luis and Yldefonsa’s son, Ramon, married Romana Inciong; their son Valerio Kalaw was the last capitan municiapal (1897-1898) under Spain and the first president municipal in 1903 under the U.S.
Valerio’s eldest son was Teodoro, a brilliant lawyer and editor of El Renacimiento, a newpaper famous for featuring U.S. abuses. Dean Worcester filed a libel suit against them, which he won. The paper folded. Teodoro M. Kalaw was assemblyman (1909-1912) and director of the National Library until his death. He married the Ilongga Pura Villanueva, the first Manila Carnival Queen of 1908. Their children are Maria, Purita, Evelina, and Teodoro Jr.
Maria, Miss Philippines in 1931 and a senator (1962-1967), married Jose Roxas Katigbak. Purita married Rafael Ledesma of Negros Occidental; their daughters were Rita, Consuelo, Ada, and Lourdes. The latter is single Rita, who headed the Metropolitan Museum of Manila, and is married to Jaime Gonzalez of Pampanga. Consuelo, a former nun, after obtaining Vatican dispensation married Luis Jalandoni, former priest and spokesman of the Netherlands-based National Democratic Front. Ada married ambassador to the United Nations, Philip Mabilangan, son of Ambassador Felipe Mabilangan of Santo Tomas. Philip’s sister Maria Luisa, an aide of U.S. president Bill Clinton, married a Haley of Little Rock, Arkansas.
Evelina Kalaw married Ramon Katigbak, brother of Ambassador Alberto Katigbak. Their son, Ramon Jr., was a technocrat during the Marcos administration and a member of the president’s Economic Staff. Teodoro Kalaw, Jr. married Eva Estrada of Tarlac, who was a senator in the 1960s. Their daughter, Chingbee, formerly married to Ricardo Manotoc, Jr. is now married to Roberto Cuenca, whose family was originally from Cuenca, Batangas.
Valerio Kalaw’s eldest daughter, Rosario, married Manuel Luz Roxas, nephew of Manuel Luz who was the husband of Segunda Katigbak.
Valerio’s second son, Maximo Kalaw, was a prolific writer and private secretary to Manuel L. Quezon when he was the resident commissioner in Washington. Maximo took up law and was the first Filipino to get a doctorate in Political Science. During the Commonwealth, he was elected to the Philippine Assembly and served two terms. Daughter Erlinda was a pre-war Miss Philippines. She married Potenciano Ilusorio, a businessman from Bulacan.
He was one of President Marcos’s closest cronies and said to have introduced Dovie Beams to him. Among the Illusorio chidren are Sylvia, now married to the son of taipan Emilio Yap, and Honey; whose teleserye squabbles over the family fortune have been well-covered by the press.
The Roxas clan is descended from Capitan Sixto Roxas (gobernadorcillo, 1867-1868; president municipal, 1903-1904). He married Alejandra Luz, the eldest sister of Manuel. Their daughter, Pacita Luz Roxas, married Leon Katigbak, the half brother of Segunda Katigbak. Sixto’s granddaughter, Felicia, married Arturo Tanco from San Isidro, Nueva Ecija who was the head of National Rice Corporation (NARIC). Tanco’s eldest son is technocrat Arturo Tanco, Jr. who was President Marco’s Agriculture secretary.
Financier Sixto Roxas Jr. was one of the founders of Bancom Development Corporation. He married the daughter of World War II heroine Josefa Llanes Escoda, Teresa “Bing” Escoda, who headed the Cultural Center of the Philippines under Presidents Aquino and Ramos.
The Mayos, according to family tradition, are descended from Captain Ferdinand Mayo, an Irish ship captain who was shipwrecked off Balayan with his female Chinese cook named Pan To Ja. He eventually married her and had four sons. Cipriano Mayo married Ignacia Metra. Could Ignacia have been a sister of Gertrudes who married into the Luz clan, and of Jocoba and Patricia who both married into the Solis clan? Cipriano and Ignacia had two sons, Petronilo (Cabesang Petron,gobernadorcillo, 1883-1884) and Eduardo (gobernadorcillo, 1889-1890).
Eduardo’s eldest daughter, Rufina, was the first wife of Pablo Borbon of Batangas City. Like Salvadora Solis Catigbac, she also used to pin jeweled pendants to the sleeves of her barong nipis for gran bailes.Eduardo’s other daughter, Micaela, married Claro Recto of Rosario. Their son was nationalist statesman Claro M. Recto. Eduardo’s grandon, Esteban Mayo, was mayor of Lipa (1913-1934, 1941, 1946-1947), and the first city mayor (1947-1952). Esteban’s son, Vicente, was governor (1988-1995).

Padre Garcia

The Rectos came from the old town of Rosario, which originally stood on the site of Padre Garcia today, descended from Josef Recto who married Isabel de la Cruz. Their son, Claro, first married Hilariona Gonzalez and then Micaela Mayo of Lipa. The latter’s son was Claro M. Recto who was secretary to Vicente Ilustre of the Philippine Commission in 1913, 1928, senator (1931, 1941,1949 and 1955, president of the 1935 Constitutional Convention, and justice of the Supreme Court. Don Claro first married Angelina Sales and then Aurora Reyes.
Daughter Chona Recto was considered one of the most elegant and beautiful women. She first married Johnny Ysmael, heir to the Magdalena Estate that is now New Manila. She was widowed, and then married Hans Kasten, who sired Hans Jr. She had four Ysmael children. Her eldest daughter, Techie Ysmael, married the only son of Manila mayor Arsenio Lacson, and then married sportsman Mike Bilbao. Chona’s son, Louie Ysmael, is Manila’s disco club and hangout bar Don Claro’s other daughter, Maria Cristina, married a Garchitorena from Tigaon, Camarines Sur. Their daughter, Leni Garchitorena, died in a hit-and-run accident in the 1950’s, which made headlines as “The Ghost of Balete Drive”.
Don Claro’s son by his second wife was Rafael Recto, a prominent lawyer. His son, Ralph, has been Batangas Congressman since 1992, Senator until 2004, and is married to movie actress Vilma Santos, who is now Batangas Governor. Ralph’s sister, Plinky, is a popular TV announcer. Younger Brother, Ricardo, was the vice governor of Batangas until 2004.

San Juan de Bolbok

The Moxicas had a lot of lands and properties, said to have come from Fray Damaso Moxica, the friar who built the town church. He was not related to Rogelio Moxica, the husband of Cavitena Eulalia de la Cruz, whose three daughters inherited the frias properties. One of them, Gregoria Moxica, married Vicente Quizon of Lipa; their daughter, Dorotea, married Jose Trivino Mercado, a first cousin of Jose rizal. Bishop Quizon, Taal parish priest and auxiliary bishop of Lipa Diocese, is one of the descendants.
The Perezes were originally from Ibaan. Camilo Perez married Petra Trivino from San Juan. He transferred the town to its present site, and became Ibaan’s gobernadorcillo. His son, Andres, married Monica Trivino; their son, Florencio, was president municipal in 1913.
The Marasigan, Mercado, Salud, and de Villa families are also dayo, or newcomers, who married into the town’s original families.
The Marasigans came from Cuenca, Batangas. Francisco Marasigan (first capitan municipal under the Maura Law, 1894), married Irene Perez Mercado, granddaughter of Camilo Perez. Their son, Benito, was renowned gamester. Benito’s grandson, Octavio Jr., continues the family tradition in Saipan and Palau. Benito married Soledad Villapando of Lipa. Among his children were Francisco, Apolonio, and Horacio. Lawyer Francisco married Narisa Limjap Ubaldo. Apolonio (congressman, 1965) married his first cousin, Arceli Marasigan Lecaroz of Marinduque. Horacio married Angeles Mercado daughter of Kapitan Leon. Horacio was named “Man of the Year” in 1978 by the Manila Bulletin for fighting the establishment of a copper-smelting plant in San Juan. He headed the Landowners’ Association of the Philippines and fought against land reform.
Francisco Marasigan’s sisters, Pantaleona and Dolores Marasigan, settled in San Pablo. Pantaleona married twice, first to Vicente Marino and then to Severino Dichoso. By Marino, she had her only son, Florentino, who married an Angeles of SanPablo. Their son is stage actor Tony Marino who performed the leading role in “The King and I in Sydney, Australia. By Dichoso, Pantaleona had her only daughter, Consorcia, who married Claro Alcantara. Their two daughters were Asunsion and Caridad. Asuncion married Zacarias Ticzon and Caridad married a de Gorostiza from San Pablo.
Francisco Marasigan’s other sister, Dolores, married Placido Escudero, originally from Galicia, Spain who later settled in Santa Cruz, Laguna. Their only son, Arsenio, enlarged the Escudero estate in San Pablo and developed Villa Escudero, with its large collection of antiques and memorabilia. Arsenio’s grandson, Don Escudero, is a noted movie set designer and director.
The Mercados, originally from Binan, Laguna descended from Juan Mercado who had thirteen children. One of them, Francisco, changed his surname to Rizal to avoid being implicated in the 1872 Cavite Mutiny, as his son, Paciano, was a student of Fr. Burgos. Spanish harassment forced Francisco’s brother to move. One of them, Gregorio, ended up in San Juan and married Eulalia M. Trivino; their son, Jose, married Dorotea Moxica Quizon. Jose and Dorotea’s son, Leon Mercado, studied in Letran and was fluent in Latin and Greek. He joined the Revolution at seventeen and was known as Kapitan Leon. He had twelve children including Dominador Mercado who developed Corinthian Gardens and Tahanan Village, and Leon Antonio Mercado, architect of Legaspi Towers.
Leon’s only sister, Maria Mercado, married Santos Luz Lopez of Lipa. Their daughter, Soledad, married her first cousin, Eusebio Lopez, a 1935 Constitutional Convention delegate and judge of the People’s Court that acquitted President Laurel, Madrigal, et al. of collaboration.
The Saluds, like the Marasigans, came from Cuenca. They intermarried with the de Villas, originally from San Jose, Batangas. Felipe Salud, the first Salud in San Juan, married Lucia de Villa in the late 1840s. Their son, Fidel, married Luciana Perez, daughter of Camilo. Jose de Villa, the first de Villa in San Juan, came from San Jose. He married Josefa Ylao, a native of San Juan. A descendant of theirs, Esteban de Villa, was gobernadorcillo (1892-1894) and president municipal (1900-1905, 1916-1919). His granddaughter, Thelma de Villa, married Dr. Federico Leelin whose family is from Camirines Sur and owns Goldilocks food chain. Most of San Juan’s early mayors were de Villas. Braulio de Villa was provincial governor (1919-1922). General Renato de Villa was President Ramos’s chief of staff and a presidential aspirant.
The Trivinos are one of San Juan’s oldest families. Their ancestor, Juan Tribino, married Gregoria. His sister, Monica, married Camilo Perez whose son, Andres, married his first cousin, Celestina Trivino, Juan’s daughter. A descendant of Juan with the same name emigrated to Naga City after World War II and became Camarines Sur governor.

San Jose

The Aguilas are probably descendants of Don Juan de la Aguila of Lipa who, according to Fray San Antonio in 1665, planted in Lipa the first cacao plant brought in from Mexico. The Aguilas of San Jose trace their ancestry to Francisco, Felipe, and Agustin Aguila, gobernadorcillos in 1781,1783, and 1786 repectively. Their descendants also became gobernadorcillo: Apolinario (1816) and Hilario (1826,1835, 1842, and 1843).
Another descendant, Andres, married Agustina de la Cruz. Their son, Felizardo, married Toribia matibag. Three of their sons became gobernadorcillos: Camilo (1869-1870), Buenaventura (1890-1891), and Salvador (1892-1894).
Salvador Aguila married Alejandra Masilungan. Their son Paterno (mayor, 1917-1918) married Petra de Jesus; their daughter, Candelaria, married Leonarda Ona.
Salvador’s sister, Agustina, married Briccio Makalintal. Their son, Ambrocio, was presedente municipal (1897-1898, 1901-1902). Ambrocio’s son, Querbe Makalintal, was a Marcos chief justice and Bataan Speaker.
Some divide the Aguilas, in jest, into two clans; Aguilang itim (black) and Aguilang puti (white). This, it was said, was to differentiate darker skinned indios from lighter skinned mestizos de sangley. Pedro Reyes Aguila, a puti, married Paula Andal. Their daughter, Dr. Concepcion Aguila, was a noted civic leader and Centro Escolar University co- founder. Owners of Aguila Glass Corporation belong to puti clan. The de Villas came from Miguel de Villa who married Angela Bautista in 1785. Their daughter, Catalina, married Anacleto de los Santos, son of the founder of the Ona clan. The Onas are descended from Miguel de los Santos who married Josefa Carandang. They has a son, Anacleto, who married Catalina de Villa in 1809. Anacleto’s son, Ramon, chose Ona when Governor General Claveria decreed that all people with the surnames de la Cruz, de los Reyes, and de los Santos must change their family names. Ramon (gobernadorcillo, 1861) married Cecilia Dia. Their children were Ambrocio and Buena. Buena married Rafael de Luna.
Ambrocio Ona married Maria Luna. Their grandson, Leonardo (mayor, 1964-1968) married Candelaria Aguila. Leonardo’s son, Juan, was consul general in Toronto and Sydney. He also opened embassies in Teheran and Moscow.
The de Lunas, originally from Bauan, are descended from Esteban de la Cruz who changed his name to de Luna in compliance with the Claveria decree. Esteban was probably the brother of Benedicto Luna, because his eldest son Rafael claimed to be the first cousin of Don Remigio Luna of Batangas City. Esteban’s children, Rafael,Vicente and Geronimo settled in San Jose after the first two married women from there and the latter, a secular priest, became co-adjutor of the parish priest.
Rafael de Luna (president municipal, 1899) married Buena Ona. Their sons both became town mayors, Daniel (1925-1927) and Vitaliano, a doctor (1919-1921, 1938-1940).
Vicente Luna married Arcadia Quizon. They had two sons, Luis and Victoriano. Luis was active in the Revolution. He was also Miguel Malvar’s secretary during the Philippine-American War. Luis was one of the founders of Batangas Tranportation Company in 1918.Victoriano became surgeon general of the Philippine army; the Victoriano Luna Hospital is named after him. His daughter, Luz married Dr. Andres Angara; their daughter, Lourdes Angara, married Aquino Health secretary Alfredo Bengzon.


The Karingals are descended from Roman Karingal who by the 1850’s had acquired land and built a bahay na bato, which still stands today. His descendants do not remember how he made his fortune, but it was substantial enough for him to annually clean and dry the coins in his azotea. Unfortunately, he also gambled and by the time he died, his fortune was greatly reduced.
His only daughter, Victorina, married Damaso Bago who was related to the Roxases of Lipa. Damaso had an only son, Francisco, who was raised by Capitan Sixto Roxas after Damaso and Victoriana died. Francisco’s daughter, Maria, married a Lim. The Lim children all become doctors. Maria’s only daughter, Cecili Lim, married Dr. Manuel Cayetano of Pateros, Rizal, brother of Senator Rene Cayetano.


Dona Ramona Aguilera, mother in law of Vicente Agregado is a lawyer in Batangas City. (May 1993: 193)
Father Andres de Castro mentions that the Pagdonsolan clan was the most prominent family in Bauan in 1790. Descendants of that family no longer remember their ancestors, but tile-roofed kamaligs lining the beach attest to the industry of their ancestors, who used to ship cloth, livestock, poultry, and even eggs in Manila, bringing back cigarettes, matches, salt, and other merchandise from the capital.
The Brual family stems from Brigido Brual who married Sergia Buendia. Brigido was a trader in cloth, buying hand-woven textiles from Tanauan (part now of Mabini) and bringing it to Mindoro and neighboring islands. On his return voyage, he was loaded with bakawan, the preferred firewood.
Brigido sired Justino, Sebastian, Clemente, and Bernabe. Brigido was successful enough to consider sending Justino to Spain after he was expelled from Ateneo for skipping classes.Sebatian became the first doctor of Bauan. Bernabe became the first Filipino parist priest of the town. Clemente became the town’s first pharmacist. He married Simona Pagdonsolan. Their daughter, Teofila, married Simeon Ylagan who became mayor.
Portrait of Doña Gliceria Marella Villavicencio by Juan Luna was unveiled by Mrs. Trinidad de Leon Roxas at the Luna Centennial Exhibition on December 9, 1957.


Taal in the early 1800’s was a weaving town as the principal crop was a cotton which was then made into cloth. However, increasing demand for sugar led to more lands being planted to sugar cane. By mid-century Batangas sugar came to be known in the world as Taal sugar. The town became the second most populous town in the country next to Manila. It became so prosperous that it was able to initiate and complete the grandiose scheme of building the largest church in the country and in Asia.
Taal’s most prominent family is descended from Sebastian Marella who was said to have been the richest man in Batangas in his time. He owned vast haciendas and had ships as well. His granddaughter Gliceria was orphaned early and grew up with her grandfather in the largest house in Taal (now Rizal Foundation Colleges). In 1872, she married her uncle, shipowner Eulalio Villavicencio. His wedding gift to her was a house that still stands today. An astute business, Gliceria managed their combined properties while her husband managed their ships.
Sugar exports were increasing by leaps and bounds due to the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. Taal was in its heyday. After the milling season, when all the sugar had been delivered to Manila and the crop loans and cash advances had been deducted, boats brought back the net proceeds to Taal. Ships would dock in Lemery and bags of money in coin were unloaded and brought by porters to the main Villavicencio house in Ilaya, which had a commanding view of the sea. There the sala was emptied of furniture, a large mat was spread on the floor, and the contents of the bags were poured out in the center of the room. The family then sat on the floor and began counting the coins. The process took days and even visitors joined in the counting and gossiping. The money was then stored in large balayong chests with wrought iron locks. A devout woman, Doña Gliceria donated the solid gold vestments of the Virgin of Caysasay, Taal’s miraculous patroness. Shortly after the vestments had been completed, tulisanes raided the house in the middle of the night. When asked about the contents of a chest, which contained the gold vestments and a lot of money, Doña Gliceria quickly answered that it was empty. The robbers, not believing her, opened the chest and saw that it did indeed look empty – a miracle attributed to Our Lady of Caysasay. The Villavicencio donated P18,000 ­(equivalent to about P6.5 million today, based on the price of palay then which was P1.25 per cavan) to Jose Rizal in January of 1892 for the nationalist cause. In appreciation, Juan Luna gifted the couple with their portraits (now in the Locsin collection) with gilded frames by Isabelo Tampinco. Eulalio Villavicencio was arrested together with Pablo Ocampo and Dr. Ariston Bautista upon the discovery of the Katipunan. Imprisoned at Fort Santiago, he was released in 1898 and died three months later due to hardships suffered during incarceration.
Her husband’s death made Gliceria even more determined. She donated a ship, the SS Bulosan, to the revolutionary government. It became the first ship of the Philippine Navy. She supplied the insurrectors, sometimes even personally driving the cart carrying guns and ammunition concealed under sacks of corn.
The wealth of Doña Gliceria was legendary. She owned large estates in seven towns and had many jewels. Once, so ill that everyone thought she was dying, her maestro carpintero sadly approached her daughter, Vicenta. Doña Gliceria had instructed him that, in the event of her death, he was to tell Vicenta that a garapon of loose diamonds was hidden in the aljibe or cistern.
Gliceria’s eldest son, Sixto, is the grandfather of Vic-Vic Villavicencio of the Triple-V restaurant chain. Her eldest daughter married Gregorio Agoncillo, nephew of Felipe Agoncillo. Another daughter, Vicenta, married her first cousin, Juan Jerry Joven of Bacoor, Pampanga. Raquel Villavicencio, one of the country’s top screenwriters and movie directors, is one of Gliceria’s descendants.
The Ilagans, descended from Pedro Ylagan (the family name was spelled with a Y during the Spanish era), were also involved in sugar and shipping. With estates in Taal, Lemery, Calaca, Balayan, and Tuy, Pedro’s son, Ignacio (capitan municipal of Taal, 1892-1894), maintained a large house in each of those towns. Every house was fully staffed and had to be ready for his unexpected arrival.
Ignacio’s son, Tiburcio, was a profligate host: anything admired by a guest was presented as a gift. Tiburcio’s son, was a colourful character who roared through town in his Cadilla and more often on his huge motorcycle. He was appointed mayor by President Roxas and stayed on for eleven years, winning elections without campaigning. His wife eventually became vice mayor.
The Agoncillos are descended from Ramon Agoncillo and Gregoria Encarnacion. Gregoria died giving birth to Felipe who was raised by her sister, Ygnacia Encarnacion Ilustre, mother of Vicente Ilustre of Lemery. Felipe Agoncillo, like his cousin Vicente, became a lawyer. Upon the discovery of the Katipunan in 1896, Felipe narrowly escaped arrest, sailing on the first boat out of Manila. He travelled toYokohama and then Hong Kong where he stayed in exile for ten years. He organized and became the first president of the Philippine Revolutionary Committee.
His wife, Marcela Mariño, and daughter, Lorenza, joined him in exile. Together with Delfina Herbosa, niece of Jose Rizal, the women sewed the first Philippine flag in 1898. Felipe Agoncillo was the Malolos Republic ambassador to Washington. He took the bar exam in 1905 to practice law under U.S regime and scored one hundred percent in all subjects. He was elected to the first Philippine Assembly in 1907, defeating his cousin Vicente Ilustre. Felipe was the defense lawyer in the El Renacimiento case. In 1917, he became the Interior secretary under Governor General Wood.
Gregoria Agoncillo, son of Felipe’s eldest brother Flaviano, married Mariaquita Villavicencio. Gregorio was conservative and segurista, refusing to invest his wife’s potion of the Villavicencio estate in a speculative sugar venture proposed by Vicente Ilustre. Eventually, he purchased the Ilustre properties for a song, after the banks had foreclosed on them and auctioned them off in the 1920s sugar debacle. As a result, Don Gregorio’s only daughter, Corazon Agoncillo, was the richest woman in Taal till the day she died.
In the 1920s, he transformed the nipa-thatched house where he was born into the Agoncillo mansion that we see today. He also constructed the Agoncillo building on Taft Avenue.
Atanasia Aniversario or Kabesang Tana, had one on the largest fortunes in Taal. She was also called Tanang Bangkong (bamboo dipper) because, among her many enterprises, she had a monopoly in the manufacturing of this item.
Her only child, Matilde Martinez, who married Leon Apacible, inherited a great fortune. The Apacibles and the Ilagans were the only two Taal families who annually gave their old coins (hilis kalamay) a wash, leaving them to dry on mats spread out on their azoteas!
Leon invested in shipping and had several steamers plying the Manila-Batangas route. He was appointed Taal’s juez de la paz in the last years of the Spanish period. In 1901, he was mysteriously lost at sea. His only son, Leon Jr., married Consolacion Noble, second cousin of Anita Noble. Leon Jr.’s only daughter, Corazon, became mayor of Taal (1975-1980, 1986-1988) and married Rafael Cañiza, the nephew of Senator Ambrosio Padilla who married Taaleña Lily de las Alas.
Corazon Apacible Cañiza, former mayor of Taal Leon Apacible’s widow, Matilde Martinez, later married a younger man named Vicente Noble who was the son of her encargado or estate manager. Vicente and Matilde were childless. Vicente used to say he brought only his calzoncilloc into the May-December marriage, which, nevertheless, had happy results. Hard-working Vicente, using his wife’s capital, engaged in rice and sugar trading and made a fortune.
Later, he ventured into politics and founded Partido Noble, which opposed the Patido Ilaya of the Ilustres and the Cabreras. He was appointed Batangas governor in 1930. He ran for the same position in 1934 and again in 1937 and won both times.
Nobles are famous for their beauty. Vicente’s neice, Anita, was Miss Philippines of 1926. She married Juan Nakpil, National Artist for architecture and son of Julio Nakpil, composer of the first National Anthem, and Andres Bonifacio’s widow, Gregoria de Jesus. Their daughter, Edith Nakpil, married Francisco Rabat who was the Davao Oriental governor in the 1970s. Their other daughter, Anita, married Renato Tañada, the son of Senator Lorenzo Tañada.
The de las Alas family, simply called Alas by Taaleños, was prominent in this century because of Antonio de las Alas (pensionado to Yale University, cum laude Master of Laws) who was chief of the Malacañang Executive Bureau under Governor General Harrison in 1919. In 1920, he was with the Interior Department and became a member of Congress in 1922. He became secretary of Public Works, 1934 and Finance, 1936. He was senator (1941-1947) and delegate to the 1971 Constitutional Convention. He married Natividad Lontok of Taal Lipa. Their daughter, Lily de las Alas, married Senator Ambrosio Padilla. The Padilla’s eldest daughter, Josie, married owner Ernest Rufino, originally of Batangas City. Another Padilla daughter, Menchu, married Raul Concepcion of the Concepcion Group of Companies, from Pasig.
Vicente Lontok, originally of Taal, settled in Lipa and had two daughters and a son. The eldest daughter, Lilia, married Mariano Katigbak’s grandson, Artemio. They had four daughters. Their youngest daughter, Elizabeth (vice mayor of Lipa, 1993) married Juan Lozano, son of impresario. Their eldest daughter, Violeta, married Francisco Gancayco of Quezon whose family owns San Miguel Island off Tabaco, Albay. Another daughter , Ludivina, married Masbate governor Moises Espinosa who was later assassinated. Still another daughter, Emily, married Ramon Jison of Silay, Negros Occidental.
The Orosas descended from Simplicio Agoncillo Orosa, captain of SS Bulosan. He was married to Juliana Ilagan. As delegate to Paris, Simplicio attempted to gain international recognition for the Philippine Republic.
Simplicio’s eldest daughter, Maria Orosa, was a proponent of women’s emancipation. She wanted to study in America but her conservative father refused to send her abroad. She towed away on a ship bound for the U.S. When she was discovered, she washed dishes to pay for passage. She became a food chemist and was one of the country’s pioneers in nutrition.
Simplicio’s son, Sixto Orosa, graduated salutatorian from the U.P. School of Medicine. He married Severina Luna of Batangas City. Dr. Orosa became known as the Father of Provincial Hospital Act. His son, Sixto Orosa, Jr., was the first president of Security Bank and also headed PCI Bank. Daughter Rosalinda is a noted performing arts critic. Another daughter, Leonor, is a National Artist for dance. She married Pampangueño Benjamin Goquingco, a chemical and electrical engineer. The youngest Orosa daughter, Helen, married chemist Luis del Rosario, Father of Philippine Laboratory Science and grandson of Anacleto del Rosario, a classmate of Jose Rizal.
The Diokno family members are descendants of Angel Diokno who married Andrea Noblejas. Son Ananias was a revolutionary general. Anania’s son, Ramon, was a congressman (1916-1919, 1934-1935). Ramon’s son, Jose Wright Diokno, was a prominent lawyer who was a senator in the 1960s and imprisoned during Martial Law for his courageous opposition to Marcos.


The Ilustres are the most prominent of Lemery’s families. Ramon Ilustre and Ignacia Encarnacion were the parents of Vicente and Mariquita. Ignacia’s sister died giving birth to Felipe Agoncillo, and the Ilustres raised him. The uprightness and nationalism of Vicente and his cousin, Felipe, can be traced to their upbringing in the same household. Don Vicente was the basis for the character Isagani in Rizal’s novel El filibusterismo.
Vicente Ilustre, a lawyer, was a member of the Philippine Commission (1913, 1916) for Mindanao and Sulu. When Don Vicente visited Jolo, the sultan offered Ilustre’s wife, Rita, jars full of beautiful natural Sulu pearls. Don Vicente forbade her to accept even a single pearl lest it be construed as a bribe.
Vicente represented Batangas and Tayabas in the first Philippine Senate in 1916. During his term, Taal was the first town in Batangas to have running water and electricity. The entire populace would clap with delight when Don Vicente’s patriotism was evident in the Philippine flag done in stained glass on the comedor wall in his stately Arlegui mansion. But he did have a Japanese gardener to care for it.
As owner of the two thousand hectare Hacienda Bayuyungan, now the town of Laurel below Tagaytay, he was a very rich man, and had exquisite and refined taste. The latest and choicest imported goods were brought to his house by La Estrella del Norte, Heacock’s, and other stores, for his approval. An artist in residence did table settings, decorated the altar for the annual Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in June, and created Fantastic belens with miniature waterfalls and bonsai trees for Christmas.
The Ilustre summerhouse along Pansipit River in Lemery was a raised Carribean-style cottage. It had a fishpond surrounded by ceramic balustrades. The fishpond was connected to the river by a tunnel which kept the pond water fresh and allowed fish to enter but not to leave the pond. He and his friends would open the windows of the dining room, which overlooked the pond, put out fishing poles and relax on bentwood rocking chairs, and wait for the maliputo to bite while they enjoyed drinks and canapés. The moment a fish was caught, it was whisked off to the kitchen and immediately cooked.
In preparation for an overnight visit of Governor General Harrison in 1910, the old Villavicencio house was completely renovated in Art Nouveau Style. Emilio Alvero, the foremost artist of his time, was commissioned to paint murals on walls, design and make new furniture and hand-painted draperies to decorate the sala for the occasion.
Such extravagances came to an end in the 1920s. Don Vicente invested in sugar futures in the commodity exchange. He also persuaded his in-laws and their relatives, the Gocos and the Cabreras, to invest. However, world sugar prices collapsed and banks foreclosed on mortgaged lands and houses. Jewels and valuable, had to be sold and millions were lost.
Vicente’s sister, Mariquita Ilustre, married Gervasio Ocampo of Quiapo, Manila. Their son, Vicente, founded Ocampo Hospital of Manila. Their daughter, Salud, married Iwahig Penal Colony Administrator Ramon Mitra, who sired Senator Ramon Mitra, Jr. Another daughter, Natividad, married Juan Arellano who designed the Post Office building and Metropolitan Theater in Manila. Their son, Oscar Arellano, was also a famous architect. Oscar’s grandson is movie star Gabby Concepcion.


The Balayan Lopezes are descended from Narciso Lopez (teniente mayor, 1790 and mayor the same year upon the death of the incumbent). Son Silvino (gobenadorcillo, 1824, 1835) headed the Batangas chapter of Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais. Silvino’s son, Natalio, was also gobernadorcillo (1854, 1860). The family raised cattle but also experimented with cotton and, successfully, with sugar. They multiplied their fortune in shipping.
Natalio’s eldest daughter, Cornelia, married Guillermo Toribio (gobernadorcillo, 1887-1889). Their daughter, Margarita, figured in an incident with the Balayan parish priest in 1892. While attending a barrio wedding, the Spanish priest gave her hand to kiss. She did not, so he slapped her but she managed to evade the blow. In turn, she slapped him with her fan and furiously fell on him until his habit was in tatters. History does not say what the priest did in revenge.
Natalio’s sons were active in the Revolution. Mariano, the eldest, was appointed to the Malolos Congress but withdrew and counseled peace with Americans. Cipriano (presidente municipal, 1907-1909) was an officer in Aguinaldo’s army and headed Company One of the Makiling Batallion. Sixto, Natalio’s eldest son by his second wife, became secretary to the Agoncillo Commission and was sent to Washington, D.C. to seek recognition of the Philippine nation. Lorenzo was presidente municipal from 1899 to 1900. During the Philippine-American War, Lorenzo, Cipriano, and Manuel were arrested by the Americans and exiled to Talim Island in Laguna de Bay. Even the encargados of the Lopezes were tortured to force them to reveal the hiding places of some fifty rifles.
Their sister Clemencia, then thirty years old, decided to go to America, learn English, and plead with President McKinley for the release of her brothers and the return of their possessions. Successful in her mission, she was the first Filipino to step into the White House.
Natalio’s eldest son, Mariano, had three daughters. The eldest daughter, Socorro, married the gastro-enterologist and society doctor, Agustin Liboro, from Lubang Mindoro. Liboro’s child, Conchita, married Tomas Benitez, the brother of Senator Helena Benitez. Mariano’s elder daughter, Mercedes, married Jose Araneta, the eldest son of Aguinaldo’s secretary of Finance, Don Gregorio Araneta. Jose’s son, Gregorio, was the Tourism undersecretary during the Marcos administration. Mariano’s youngest daughter, Conchita, married Dr. Victor Sevilla of San Miguel, Bulacan. Their son, Dr. Carlos Sevilla, was one of the country’s leading eye, ear, nose, throat specialists. Carlos’ daughter, Conchitina Sevilla Bernardo, was a popular fashion model, the vice mayor of Makati in 1993, and former editor of the Elan section of the Philippine Daily Inquirer. Her husband is now in Spain.
Natalio’s youngest son, Jose, studied naval architecture in England. He married Rosario Solis of Lipa. Jose’s daughter, Emma, married Vicente Yupangco and his other daughter, Beatrice, married Jose Fernandez. Jose Lopez’s only son, Enrique, married Wendy, an Engishwoman and had four children: Diana Jeanne, Marybeth, Vicky and Richard. The beautiful Diana Jeanne married Colombian Miguel Bermudez. Marybeth, widow of racecar enthusiast Jaime Prieto, later married Jose Vicente Madrigal de Leon. Vicky married Emilio Tuason and only son Richard is now married to Sandra Battistuzzi of Negros Occidental.
The Martinezes are descended from Spanish meztiso Franciso Garcia Martinez who married an Ilustre. He was gobernadorcillo (1185-1886) but was exiled to Calapan, Mindoro after an altercation with the parish priest regarding town cemetery works. In 1897, he was appointed town executive by the Spaniards after the incumbent was removed for complicity in the Revolution. He was re-elected in 1898. His son, Pedro Martinez, was also gobernadorcillo (1889-1890, 1892-1894).
Don Pedro was very enterprising, even as a young man. By the 1870’s, he had acquired Binondo properties as well as almost two thousand hectares in Batangas. He was said to have been the fourth Filipino millionaire. Even in old age he invested in the new Manila Hotel. He married Roman Ascue of Balayan, and sired ten sons but only one daughter. Like his neighbour, Natalio Lopez, Don Pedro sent three of his sons, Mariano, Claudio and Pio, to England for further education. Upon their return, the brothers went into shipping. They became mayors: Franciso (1910-1912) and Mariano (1915-1916). Pio and Leon, another Martinez son, later occupied the same position.
Eldest son Mariano (presidente municipal, 1915-1916) wanted to become a soldier, but with his height of five feet three inches, he did not meet the minimum height requirement. Mariano’s brother, Pio, sought out President Quezon, who reduced the height requirement. Mariano became a Philippine army lieutenant. Pio was a very good friend of the Quezons, helping him financially when Quezon was still a student. The suit worn by Quezon when he was sworn in as president was a gift from Pio. Pio married Mariquita Ramos.
Claudio Martinez, while in England, fell in love with and married Ida Evelyn. Claudio did not bring her to live in Balayan but housed her in a Manila Hotel suite until she died. Their daughter Girlie married cardiologist Dr. Antonio Ordoñez. Girlie’s eldest son, Percival, was Education undersecretary during the Marcos administration and is now United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Asia-Pacific regional head. Another son, Ernesto, is currently Trade and Industry undersecretary.
Leon Martinez was a doctor, aside from town mayor of one time. He married Asuncion Lainez of Balayan. Their grandson, Leo Martinez, is a well-known comedian.
Don Pedro’s only daughter was Germana. She married Jose Eduque of Balayan. They had two sons, Mandy and Tito, and a daughter, Elsie. Eldest son Mandy married Elvira Ledesma (Later Mrs. Constantino Manahan); he died without seeing their son, Mandy Edeque, jr., who married Chuchu Madrigal, granddaughter of Don Vicente Madrigal. Germana’s second son Valentin, or Tito, married Inday Vargas, daughter of Jorge Vargas, Quezon’s Executive secretary. Tito, together with nephew-in-law Vic-Vic Villavicencio, put up Kamayan Restaurant. Germana’s only daughter, Elsie, married a Tabora of Agoo. La Union.
The Apacibles are descended from Agustin (gobernadorcillo, 1865-1867) and Juan (gobernadorcillo, 1873-1875) Apacible. Juan’s son Vicente Apacible married Catalina Castillo, owner of the thirteen thousand hectare Hacienda de Calatagan before it was sold in 1837 to Domingo Roxas, The founder of the Roxas-Zobel-Ayala-Soriano fortune. Vicente’s sons , Galicano and Leon, were classmates and good friends of Jose Rizal. While studying at Ateneo, they all lived in an Intramuros lodging house owned by Leonor Rivera’s parents. Leon married Taal heiress, Matilde Martinez. Galicano, a doctor (governor, 1908-1910) was elected twice to the Philippine Assembly and became Agriculture and Natural Resources secretary in 1917. Galicano married his first cousin, Concepcion Castillo. Their daughter, Catalina “Neny” Apacible, was Carnibal Queen of 1923. She married Pedro Limjap, brother of Esperanza Limjap who became the second wife of President Sergio Osmeña. Their son, Eduardo Limjap, married the daughter of General Tobias, Caridad Tobias. Neny and Pedro’s daughter, Connie Limjap, was formerly married to the brother Of Senator Teofisto Guingona, Jose. She is now the wife of Eddie Lichauco. Connie’s sister, Evelyn, married an Ignacio from Mindoro.
The Balayan Ramoses are descended from Crisanto Ramos (gobernadorcillo, 1859-1860). His son, Vivencio, became the first doctor in Balayan in 1984. Vivencio’s son, Virgilio, also a doctor, became dean of the University of Santo Tomas (U.S.T.) College of Medicine and director of U.S.T. Hospital. Vivencio’s daughter, Mariquita, married Pio Martinez. Another daughter, Milagros, married Dr. Crisogono Ermita and sired former congressman General Eduardo Ermita. (Tinio 2002: p.178-200)
Presently, Eduardo Ermita is the executive secretary of President Gloria M. Arroyo.

Correction as of March 6, 2010
(Katigbak Family)Their eldest son, Mariano Solis Katigbak (gobernadorcillo, 1896-1897), was Jose Rizal’s classmate at Ateneo. He married Rosario Luz, half sister of Manuel Luz, his brother in law.

prior to his marriage to Rosario Luz he married first Ysabel Ramirez Macarandang my great great grand mother.


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